Is High Quality Video Better for Marketing than Low Quality Video?

You’ve probably heard us say, “quality is important,” or “professional quality is key,” dozens of times, especially if you follow our blog regularly, but how important is quality really? When it comes to the production of marketing videos for your business, does quality really matter that much or can you get away with a lower budget production? As a business owner that’s considering DIY video production or in-house video production at a lower quality than what would be expected from a professional, you might be wondering, “Is High Quality Video Better for Marketing than Low Quality Video,” and if so, why?

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You’re definitely not alone! Many business owners wonder if they can reasonably get away with lower quality video, at least at first, as they’re trying out video in their marketing campaigns. There are of course various reasons for a business owner to consider attempting a lower quality output for their campaigns: budget, lack of firm understanding on the true ROI that will come from video marketing, lack of resources, and other factors all come into play. But, Is High Quality Video Better for Marketing than Low Quality Video, really?

We’re diving into the details as to why quality matters so much for your video marketing. And, the short answer to your question is, “yes! High quality video is better for marketing than low quality video,” and we’re going to tell you why!

Low Quality Videos Scream Low Credibility for Your Brand

Let’s just get this on the table. If you’re willing to put out low quality marketing content that shows off your brand, your customer is bound to wonder if you’re going to provide low quality products or services too? If you don’t value your brand enough to expect high quality from your marketing campaigns, will you value your customers enough to deliver high quality to them? Probably not!

Low quality marketing videos quickly create a sense of low credibility and low value for your brand. In fact, a low quality video can almost immediately convey the message that you’re not willing to provide the best of the best for yourself, or for your client, and it delivers this message with rapid speed and intent!

Low Quality Video Can Literally Destroy Your Brand’s Image

Producing low-quality video content for your brand can literally destroy your brand’s image. Viewers are going to turn your ads and videos off. They won’t share your work. They won’t be likely to engage and if they do, you can bet they’re going to call you out!

You don’t want this negative interaction with your brand because it’s incredibly challenging to overcome all of this noise and to overpower the negativity with positive interaction once it happens to you.

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Low Quality Video is Less Effective

If you produce low quality videos for your audience on a regular basis, they’re bound not to stick around. You have to consider the fact that you’re up against a vast network of competitors, no matter what industry you’re in, that is willing to invest into their marketing and deliver high quality content for their consumers – so you need to be willing to invest in your brand and in your consumers too!

Consider the fact that when you put out low quality content, your consumers are not going to engage and they won’t share. They might not stick around until the end of the video where you plan on delivering your call to action which means they will never actually know what it is you want them to do. This means you produced, and delivered, the video without basically no intention of success.

On the flip side, high quality video content is more likely to be shared, commented on, and remembered by your audience. A high quality video can humanize your brand, increase your conversions, and generate significant ROI for your business – so why even consider going the lower quality route?

High Quality Videos Increase Conversions

Let’s face it, you’re considering video marketing for conversions. All brands do. So, if you want to maximize your conversions, the way to go about that is by producing high quality video content for your audience. In fact, statistically, high quality videos have the power to increase conversions by as much as 300% depending on the type of conversion and the industry. What would you do with 300% more visitors to your website? How about 300% more calls? What about 300% more sales?

Can you now see the value in high quality video production? Is High Quality Video Better for Marketing than Low Quality Video? Absolutely! In fact, high quality video has the power to increase conversions, drive traffic, grow your brand reputation, and generate more revenue for your business than a low quality video ever could.

If you’re unsure where to begin, or you’re still not sure whether high quality video is better for marketing than low quality video, consider giving Beverly Boy Productions a call. We’ll explain all the reasons why high quality video is better for your marketing and we’ll answer any questions you might have about video marketing for your business. We realize that many business owners are concerned with the cost associated with professional video production, but we’re also able to explain much of the process and the costs in such a way that will help you to feel more comfortable with the idea.

Give us a call and ask us, “Is High Quality Video Better for Marketing than Low Quality Video,” and don’t be afraid to ask us why!

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