How to Promote Your Video Online

Producing video content is the first big step that you’ll take to developing an online promotional strategy. The next step is to learn how to promote your video online. An optimized video isn’t enough to guarantee success when you distribute the content online. You’ve got to take action.

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Follow these tips for success in your online video content promotion. If creating and promoting videos online is something that you could use help with, give Beverly Boy Productions a call. We can’t wait to support your video production needs.

#1. Optimize the Video for Success

First, you need to make sure that your video has been properly optimized for views and reach. If you’re targeting seniors, are you creating content that they will see? Are you optimizing it with keywords and appropriate titles and scripts that are used by this age group? 

Not only should your video be optimized from a content standpoint, but you must also take steps to ensure that as you seek information on how to promote your video online you’re also creating a video that is properly lighted, doesn’t include any noise or interruptions, and is mobile friendly.

youtube homepage for keywords

 #2. Optimize Thumbnails

The video thumbnail image is the first image that most people see in relation to your video content and it makes or breaks your click through rate. A great thumbnail image will get clicked. A poor image may not.

As you think about the image to use for your thumbnail make sure that you’re including a human face in the image and that you’re focusing on impact. You want to connect with your audience.

#3. SEO is Important for Video Too

As you learn how to promote your video online, think about the steps you can take to ensure proper optimization and SEO. You have a title, description, subheadings, and tags that can all be optimized for the success of your video content.

Use each of these elements wisely as you target your audience and ensure that everything is included in the appropriate place.

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#4. Focus on Social Media

Once you’ve taken steps to promote your video online you can turn to social media as your next target. If your audience spends time on social media, then this is a good place to focus some promotion efforts.

Consider using retargeting campaigns and basic hashtags as well as simple sharing to boost your social efforts. This is where you’ll begin to connect outside audience members with your content. Have fun with it.

#5. Share, Share, Share

And don’t be afraid to ask for a share too. As you look at how to promote your video online, consider steps that you can take to share your content. Sharing with friends and family is a start, but ask them to share it too.

Share it in social feeds and in your emails. Share on your website and ask others to post on their website. This is how you promote your video online and get higher reach and greater value for your brand.