Create Hype with these 5 Types of Brand Promo Videos that are Truly Inspiring

As consumers spend more and more time watching video content on the web we’re seeing a shift from branded video content that is incredibly formal to something much more laid back. Today’s Brand Promo Videos are more engaging and interactive than ever before and with the right approach, you can create a sense of hype that will have your audience anxiously awaiting your upcoming product or service launch.

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Producing powerful Brand Promo Videos that will inspire your audience to communicate with your brand is no longer something that you can wait around with. Now is the time to move forward and take action! Fortunately, we’ve made a list of some inspiring Brand Promo Videos that you can get started with if you’re ready to get your audience hyped up and ready to engage with your brand!

1. Intro Videos

First impressions are everything and nothing introduces your brand like a brand intro video. This is your opportunity to show your audience what your brand is all about and there are a number of ways that you can succeed. Producing amazing brand intro videos is really all about focusing on how you can utilize video to enable a personal connection between your brand and your audience.


Just remember that you must showcase your brand’s logo, offer insight into who your company is and what you do, and provide unique insight into your brand while you maximize your use of this type of content for your brand.

2. Interview Videos

You might not immediately think of Brand Promo Videos as being interview based, but they certainly can be with the right approach. Airbnb is a company that frequently uses this approach to “WOW” it’s audience without skipping a beat. The use of interviews in which actual users of the lodging rental platform not only draws in the attention of prospective customers but also helped to build trust among their audience.

The use of interview videos to build hype around your business is certainly something that takes a calculated approach, but if you have a list of loyal customers, interviewing them so that they can share their feelings about your brand is a great way to produce Brand Promo Videos that your audience will feel deeply connected to.

3. Event Videos

Whether you’re sharing a charity event or a virtual conference, event videos can be an integral part of your brand’s marketing and advertising. These Brand Promo Videos can be incredibly effective across a variety of event types and industries as long as you focus on:

-Highlighting your brand specifically.

-Using your brand voice.

-Showing off the atmosphere that your audience can expect of your brand.

-Focusing on your target audience.

If you’re a brand that hosts events on a regular basis, producing Brand Promo Videos that highlight your events will provide you with a key opportunity to build out content that you can use to generate hype around your business or brand.

4. Educational Videos

Sometimes the best way to promote your brand is to show what you know! Producing educational videos that are branded with your own logo, colors, and other elements relative to your brand is key to the growth process. Educational videos prove that you are the industry thought leader on the subjects that you portray in your content and provide a unique opportunity for business owners to generate some additional hype around their brand.


If you’re not sure what type of educational content to produce, consider starting with explainer videos that explain your business, products, and services and then build out to explain things like what your business does, who your brand is for and why. You can even produce educational video content that is going to indirectly influence audience connections to your brand.

5. FAQ Videos

If you have an audience that tends to have a lot of questions, FAQ videos are a great way to build out your library of Brand Promo Videos. Start with answering your audience’s top questions with video content and then grow to answer other questions that could be important to your business, audience or brand. You can even go as far as to answer industry specific questions so as to continue to prove your spot as an industry thought leader.

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Creating hype with Brand Promo Videos is something that every business really needs to do these days. Content like this is ideal for use across your website and social media but it can also be used in email campaigns and for a variety of different purposes. With consumers spending an average of 100 minutes watching videos online each day, brands cannot afford not to get involved in the production of Brand Promo Videos and other forms of video content that they can utilize to their marketing advantage.

Want more information about Brand Promo Videos that your audience will love? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call!