Amazing Benefits of Military Training Videos

The production of training videos for everything from basic Bootcamp procedures to advanced militia combat is a growing trend within the U.S. Government. More and more combat teams and military groups are coming together to define training styles and apparatus for the use of both military training. Government use of military training videos comes with several amazing benefits including consistency, on-the-spot training, and improved user experience. Perhaps this is why so many are turning to film production as the first step in militia training? Check out these benefits of military training video content.

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Cost Savings

Military training videos can dramatically cut down on instructor costs. A US Army Military Instructor averages over $75K per year. Much of this cost can be scaled back or better spent on strategic training when military training videos bring early trainees up to speed. In fact, a study recently proved that 85% of instructor based training was spent on the conveyance of the training. Put that into a video, and you have the instant power to save 85% of training costs, over and over.

Training videos don’t require repeat expenses on an instructor. One fee, one-time instruction, and you have the content you need to continue to train military personnel over and over again.


Flexible Training

The use of military training videos to teach students basic tasks or intricate details of their role offers a flexible option that in-person training cannot provide. Videos are not only flexible in terms of time, but they’re also flexible in terms of offering up the ability to adjust as you go. Creating military training content now allows you to build a basis of educational content for your crew, but what if things change? What if you want to add to or alter the content to provide new skills? That can be done too! With some simple editing, even outdated military training video content can be altered for current use.

 Military training


Military training videos provide consistency in the training that is delivered. Video content that is produced and edited for accuracy ensures that you know each student that engages in the training receives the same level of content education. There are no missed opportunities, missed topics, or areas of interest that are overlooked. The consistency ensures accuracy on the field.

key to success

Improved Engagement & User Experience

We all learn differently. Military training videos deliver training content in multiple formats to touch on all the different learning styles. You can see what is being done. You can hear what is being said. And you can interact with the video along the way. In fact, most people retain significantly more from watching a video versus reading or engaging in written training documents. Video attracts the attention of the military personnel and ensures accuracy and understanding.

Using lower thirds, graphics, and various other video production techniques, military training videos have the power to deliver significantly more content in a shorter time period than any other form of training could. 

soldiers working

Need help creating military training videos? Beverly Boy Productions specializes in military training content. Give us a call to learn more.

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