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5 Online Video Production Services Every Business Needs

The use of online video production services is a growing trend for businesses large and small. Brands are realizing that people spend more time on websites that include video. Businesses are finding that video increases conversions and boosts sales. Ultimately, there’s little question as to the benefit of online video production services. What most businesses wonder is which services are most important or conducive to their growth.

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Check out these 5 online video production services that every business should at least consider for their brand. 

#1. The Sales Video 

There’s no other easy way to name this video but to call it like it is. The sales video features promotional content that advocates for a business sale that is taking place for your brand. Why does your business need to consider a sales video?

This type of online video production service is important because it essentially backs up your sales department and takes the place of cold-calling. You can send sales video content out via email, share it on social media, and post it on your website to bring consumers to your brand. 

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#2. The Explainer Video 

Even the simplest of products or services can benefit from explainer videos. These videos explain how to use a product or service or go into detail regarding a solution that a product or service can provide.

Explainer videos represent one of the many online video production services that benefit all businesses because they are useful to consumers and they increase the likelihood of a sale. Every business wants more sales, don’t they? 

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#3. The Social Media Video 

If you’re not active on social media, you need to be! Likewise, if you’re on social media and you don’t have social media videos for your brand, now is a great time to start with this type of online video production.

Services that focus on social media video content can help you to build your reach, engage with more consumers, and grow the consumer understanding of your brand. Active engagement on social media adds a human element to your brand and builds trust. 

event videos to share

#4. The Raw Corporate Footage 

Useful for a variety of different purposes, raw corporate footage represents the foundation for various other online video production services. With b-roll or raw corporate footage you can create all different types of video content for your brand.

If you don’t have a library of raw footage already, consider getting started here so that you can begin to produce additional social media and corporate video clips that will further grow your brand. 


#5. The Case Study 

Brands that create case study videos are able to boost consumer confidence while building stronger connections. Case study video content can be used to showcase how your brand helped to solve a problem that consumers have.

Case studies are also a great opportunity to showcase what makes your brand stand out against the competition. Online video production services that include the use of case study video content can help your brand reach more consumers & engage further which will ultimately build your conversions. Why not?