5 Amazing Uses of Ecommerce Marketing Video Content

Ecommerce stores are gaining popularity faster than ever before, and the need to boost sales with video is quickly being recognized and more widely accepted by owners. Whether you’re a brick and mortar storefront owner that is shifting into ecommerce sales or you’re an internet ecommerce store owner that simply wants to increase sales.

ecommerce shopping

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Check out these 5 amazing uses of e-commerce marketing video content to grow your brand and quickly generate higher ROI. For immediate help in producing professional quality ecommerce marketing video content, give Beverly Boy Productions a call.

#1. Product Story Spotlight Video

One of the best ways to sell a product is to share a story about the product that consumers can relate with. If your ecommerce store is offering products that are backed by a powerful story that consumers can connect with or relate to, exploit it!

A recent study by Google found that women between the ages of 18 and 34 were as much as twice as likely to trust and think good thoughts about a brand that showed empowering ads that they could relate with.

Additionally, people who see a video advertising a product are 80% more likely to purchase it. Two wins!

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#2. CEO Message Spotlight Video

This is an especially powerful ecommerce marketing video because it puts a human face and element to the brand that may otherwise be only visualized online. Sometimes people struggle to trust an e-commerce brand simply because they do not have a brick and mortar store.

A message from the CEO shows that there is a real person behind the brand and that the audience can trust and relate with the individual.

#3. Real World Use Videos

Ecommerce marketing videos that showcase people actually using the products that they sell in the real world help to justify products and further humanize the brand.

Promotional videos that clearly show people getting use out of a product and making the most of it can help to increase sales. This is especially important again for stores that are entirely online.

Beverly Boy setting up on camera interview

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#4. Product Tutorial Videos

Ecommerce marketing video content that showcases exactly how a product is used and how consumers can get the most out of the product will boost sales.

Consider a tutorial video that shows how to use hidden or lesser known features, something that shows the unique features that competitor products don’t have, or possibly comparing your product features against the competition, side-by-side for best results.

#5. Close-Up Videos

Finally, since ecommerce marketing video content is all about making sure that the consumer understands all of the great features and benefits of a product, why not produce a close-up video that shows exactly what makes your product so special?

Close up videos are ideal for jewelry, fashion and various other forms of ecommerce products that people are potentially interested in purchasing.

Use the camera to show off angles and special features up-close and personal. Think of what a consumer may want to see and exploit it to the highest degree.

Want to learn more about how you can use ecommerce marketing video content to generate growth, revenue and sales for your brand? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today!