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How to Grow Your Brand Through Video Marketing

The rise of video platforms such as TikTok, IGTV and stories represents just one of the many ways that we’re seeing video take over the internet. Accounting for 82% of all search traffic, video is no longer something that brands can “think about” doing or drag their feet on. It’s time to kick it up a notch, and that means learning how to grow your brand through video marketing so that you can compete with the rest of the world! If you’re not already dabbling in video, you need to get started immediately! 

The use of video to grow a brand was once largely out of reach for most businesses, but not anymore! It’s actually easier than ever before to get started with video marketing, and there are more opportunities to take advantage of to grow your brand than there ever were before. The use of video to set your brand apart is more prominent and potentially more valuable than ever, which is why you absolutely must learn how to grow your brand through video marketing right away.

Not sure where to get started? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call! We’ll help you formulate a video marketing and branding strategy for your business that will boost your conversions, accelerate your growth, and increase awareness of your brand. 

Use Video Marketing to Increase Brand Awareness

For nearly 100 years video has been the primary means of entertainment for consumers, but now more than ever before video represents the number one way for consumers to learn more about the brands they know and love as well as those they have interest in. Studies have found that the use of video marketing for a brand can increase brand awareness by 52% compared to marketing campaigns that use text or static images alone.

Producing video content that is relevant to your target audience will build trust and increase awareness for your brand. Share your brand story, communicate your mission and values, and connect with consumers in a way that they will remember. Every branded video that you produce has the power to resonate with your audience to increase awareness for your brand which is the foundation of growing any business.

Use Video Marketing to Drive User Engagement

Benefits of Video Marketing for Local Businesses

From influencers and though-leaders, informative content that provides value to your audience will help you to grow your brand. Video marketing will help you to build up a following while you increase user engagement on your site, on your social media platforms where video generates more than 1,200% more shares than text and images combined, and anywhere you share video that resonates with your audience. 

On average, internet users spend 88% longer on a website that has video. Not only that, but shoppers that view video are 1.81 times more likely to make a purchase than those who do not view video content. Whether you’re incorporating the keyword “video” into your email subject lines to increase open rates by 19% or more or to drive click-through rates up by anywhere from 65% to 300% or more, video marketing can help you grow your brand by increasing engagement for all of your campaigns.

Video marketing can also be used to improve engagement with mobile users. With more than 90% of people stating that they prefer to watch videos from their phone, it’s important to focus your marketing campaigns on mobile users to maximize user reach and engagement while growing your brand.

Use Videos to Increase your Organic Rankings & Traffic

While the question of whether or not video actually helped to improve organic rankings was once unanswered, Google has recently admitted that video does play a role in ranking factor and can influence positive ranking adjustments. In fact, if you  want to know how to grow your brand through video marketing without really changing up anything else that you’re already doing, all you have to do is start adding videos to your website.

Videos on a landing page, product pages, or other pages throughout your website will help you to rank higher in the search engines. It’s not just a little either, we’re talking about web page that include video being 53 times more likely to rank first page in Google than those without. In fact, brands that use video marketing generate up to 41% more organic traffic than their competitors that do not use video. Proof that a simple change to your marketing efforts can make huge differences!

Use Videos to Increase Conversions & Revenue

Still wondering how to grow your brand through video marketing? What if we told you that video increases conversions and revenue? Businesses that incorporate video into their marketing campaigns have seen significant revenue growth over those that do not use video. In fact, one study found that businesses that use video increase revenue by 49% more year-over-year than those who don’t.

Videos increase conversions in a number of ways. They tend to increase overall concept retention rate by as much as 95% over written text or static ads. Not only that, but video also increases the amount of time consumers spend on site reducing bounce rate and further improving both search ranking and conversions. So much so that it’s safe to say that if you want to grow your brand through video marketing, all you have to do is create meaningful videos that resonate with your audience and deliver value and you’ll see increased conversions and revenue as a direct result.

Learning how to grow your brand through video marketing doesn’t mean you can just grab a camera and start shooting. There’s something to say about quality, and the importance of creating professional videos that your audience will connect with as you’re caring about your brand. You don’t want to produce low quality content because not only will it give your audience the wrong impression, it’s not likely to generate the exceptional conversions and increase in traffic, revenue and consumer awareness that we’ve talked about. 

Need help figuring out how to grow your brand through video marketing? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call! We can’t wait to put our decades of professional skill to work for your brand!