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How Video Marketing Can Help Your Business Succeed

The latest statistics prove that people remember 95% of what they see in video format as compared to just 10% of what they read. Additionally, 85% of consumers who watch a video make a purchase. Video marketing has the power to help your business succeed and thrive. In today’s busy world, customers are more interested in video marketing than ever before. So if you’re wondering how video marketing can help your business, consider the following.

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1. Video Marketing Connects to Consumer Emotions

Connecting with the emotions of your consumer audience is vital to building your brand in their eyes. Video marketing represents a way for YouTube business to convey product and service  information that connects with the emotions of the consumer.

A 60-second short video that shares your story is far better and more productive to your marketing efforts than a long winded blog post. As you consider the various ways for video marketing to help your business, consider how connecting emotionally with your audience can lead to growth.

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2. Video Builds Consumer Trust

As you continue to consider how video marketing can help your business succeed, consider the fact that video helps you to build trust with your audience.

Testimonial videos are one way of  building trust, but even basic branded video content can add a human element and level of trust in your brand. Customers that see product or service videos on your website are able to dictate the value for themselves because they visually see what you have to offer.

Beverly Boy setting up on camera interview

3. Video Marketing Boosts Traffic

If you’re still wondering how video marketing can help your business, consider the fact that video has the power to boost your website traffic exponentially.

Some brands have found video content marketing to increase their search engine traffic by as much as 157%. Additionally, video content has the power to boost your website rankings and higher rank equals higher traffic.

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4. Video Increases Consumer Engagement

For additional details on how video marketing can help your business succeed, consider the power of video to increase user engagement with your brand. The more you engage the consumer, the longer you keep them around, the more likely they are to convert.

Video content is a key element to targeting your audience and increasing engagement for your social content. Studies show that videos are 33% more likely to be engaged with on Facebook and 100% more likely to be shared.

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5. Video Increases Conversions

What business doesn’t want more sales? One of the ways that video marketing has the power to help your business is in the increased conversion rates that come to pages that include a video. A landing page with video has an 80% higher conversion rate than one without.

Further, 85% of consumers say that they make a purchase following seeing a product or service represented in a video. As you seek ways and details on how video marketing can help your business, don’t forget the power of video to boost sales and increase your conversion rate.