Top 4 Real World Business Uses for a Video Library Database

If you’re part of a marketing team, or you’re a business that understands the importance of video content, you may already know what a video library database or video library is. A collection of video content that is controlled, organized, and fully accessible by your business, a video library database brings a wealth of opportunity to your business especially when it comes to organization, efficiency, and scaling your marketing campaigns to get the most out of your budget. 

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Still not sure whether your business needs a video library to store and control all of your video content? Consider these real world use cases for a video library database that collectively organizes and controls all of your digital video content:

1. Automatic Speech Recognition to Scale Campaigns

Use your video library to recognize particular words or phrases that relate to current marketing campaigns. This way you can quickly find related video content beyond the use of typical hashtags and keywords. You could even find a clip from a past video that includes a particular statistic using automatic speech recognition to search your video library.

Deliver Results

Using the automatic speech recognition feature, you can scale your marketing campaigns and pull targeted content together for new campaigns quickly and efficiently. You can even deliver your search results to your team using various integrations and special features.

2. Simplify Workflows & Improve Existing Functionality

Most of us know the year 2020 to be the year that Zoom, video calls, and remote interactions became more than just something we do–it became how we survived! As more video is incorporated into everyday work environments, many businesses found that certain technologies were just not prepared to handle large video files–and this posed a serious problem.

Ease of Access

But, a video library database keeps all those hefty video files in an easy-to-access, searchable location that won’t clog up existing technologies–in fact, you can use your video database to simplify workflows and improve functionality of your existing technology by quickly and easily sharing video links from your database without the need to actually host the video content in programs that are unable to support such large files.

3. Manage User Access at Scale

A video library database allows you to maintain full and complete control over your video content in such a way that you can easily manage all user access at scale. With a few clicks, you can share videos across an entire team, know who’s watching what, and remove access to certain content so that the wrong eyes are never able to see sensitive videos. 

Control Your Access

uploading youtube video content

You may be thinking, “But, can’t I do that with Vimeo or YouTube?” The reality is, your control varies when your videos are hosted on consumer video sites such as Vimeo or YouTube. You cannot easily manage user access, and you certainly have limitations on the ability to manage at scale. However, with your own dedicated video library database, you can adjust access based on individual user authentication or many other variables.

4. Fine-Tuned Analytics so You Know Who’s Watching & More

YouTube offers some analytics, and so do most consumer video hosts. But the level of analytics is limited at best. However, when you have all of your videos in a shared video library database, you have full control over the analytics.

This means that not only do you have the power to see exactly who’s watching your videos, but also how frequently they’re being watched, where they are watched from, and whether the entire video is consumed or just a portion.

Know What Works

With this level of analytics, you can see if an entire team has viewed the most recently added policy updates or you can confirm whether video engagement is waning at a particular point in the video or time of day, or both. With this level of control over analytics and know what’s working and what isn’t, businesses are also able to produce more powerful and effective video content as they grow.

Talk to Team Beverly Boy

Want to learn more about creating a video library database that can be used to take all of your video content to the next level for your brand? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808!