Top Facebook Live Best Practices

The use of Facebook Live has grown significantly since it launched in 2016. Businesses are largely using the platform to engage followers and fans. In fact, videos that are shared on Facebook Live tend to have up to 3X the engagement versus a traditional video that is posted to the platform. Marketers and business owners absolutely love Facebook Live, but many are not exactly aware of the most important Facebook Live best practices that they should be following. 

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Learn how you can get the most out of your live video events on Facebook by following these top Facebook Live best practices.

1. Always Test Before Going Live

Testing out the Facebook Live setting before you actually go live is important. This is your chance to a) make sure that the video is working and b) make sure that everything appears as you want it to. 

So, how do you test the feed? Simply use the “only me” option in the privacy settings to share a Facebook Live test. This will make the live available only to you, but allows you to run a quick test of the visual and audio to make sure everything is working properly. It’s important!

2. Use Branding & Frequent Reintroductions

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Because new people will be engaging in your Facebook Live videos it’s important to always incorporate your own branding into the live and to reintroduce yourself. Not everyone that pops into the live will know who you are and what you’re there for – so tell them!

If you’re not sure how to incorporate your branding into the live, consider the following:

  • Use colors that represent your business in your background.
  • Include your business logo or similar branding on the elements viewable in the live feed.
  • Use the tone, style, or appropriate language that relates to your business when speaking in the live.
  • Choose an introduction and stick with it. People will get to know that as part of your business.

3. Engage with Your Audience

One of the most important Facebook Live best practices that we can mention is to engage with your audience! Just do it! The people that view your lives are there to see and engage with you. If people are asking questions, try to answer them.

If people are commenting, recognize the comments. The more you engage, the more your community will engage!

If you’re not sure how to engage while you’re holding a Facebook Live, consider a practice run between just those in your business or a few friends. Set your privacy settings for the live to make sure only a few people have access, and run a test.

Engage and have fun with it. Learn how to reply to comments, how to active read comments while you’re live, and how to make the best of the moments that you have with your viewers.

4. Make Sure Your Video is Properly Lighted

Proper lighting is of HUGE importance for a Facebook Live. Few people think about the lighting or the overall value of their feed when going live on Facebook – but we promise your audience is thinking about it!

Make sure that your face is visible, and that the background that you want viewers to see isn’t too busy. 

This is also a good time to check your makeup and hair! In fact, that’s why we recommend a trial run! The trial is your chance to check lighting, background, noise, and audio.

Please check all of these things so that you don’t go live only for your audience to say they can’t see you, can’t hear you, or that there’s too much distraction.

5. Get Creative & Have Fun

With all the ways that you can use Facebook Live for your audience to engage and interact with you, it’s important to keep it creative and fun. One of the best Facebook Live best practices that we can provide is to keep the process creative and fun both for you and for your audience. 

You’ll want to tell people ahead of time if you’re going live, so that they have at least a few minutes to stop what they’re doing and connect. Likewise, you should keep the process relatively spontaneous so that it remains exciting!

Going live too frequently may lower your interactions so keep this in mind too!

Overall, the results you get from Facebook Live broadcasts will be dependent upon your audience and your own ability to engage. As your audience grows, so too should your Live events. Following these Facebook Live best practices will help you to achieve success with the process!