How to Hire a Film Crew in El Paso

Learning how to hire a film crew in El Paso can be daunting, but it is necessary to ensure that you create the highest quality videos! There is plenty to consider when hiring a film staff: budget, reliability, and experience, just to start. Team Beverly Boy has outlined very important resources to help you take on this task with clarity and confidence!

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We also service the following zip codes: 88081, 88310, 79851, and 93434.

Film Crew Positions

Team Beverly Boy setting up interview

The first step is to learn about the various roles that play a crucial part in the film production process. By hiring crew in a specific order, your professional El Paso crew can make the hiring process go smoothly.

We offer full service El Paso film production services. From location scouting to El Paso film permits, we’ve got the tools for handling every step of the process. Whether you need a 3 man film crew at Franklin Mountains State Park or you are shooting an independent film on Texas Avenue we’ve got you covered on all of your needs. 

Here’s the El Paso film crew hierarchy:

  • Director – is the driving force in the production and they can recommend people for other positions, especially people they work well with.
  • Script Writer – this position is necessary if you don’t have a script. Directors may want to read a script before they take on a project.
  • Line Producer – Ensures that your production stays on budget.
  • Unit Production Manager – responsible for the production logistics. With the line producer, they could offer information on how to find necessary crew members for your production.
  • Production Coordinator – For larger productions, this person helps with contracts, paperwork, and other administrative tasks.
  • Locations Manager – this person scouts appropriate locations for film sets needed outside of a studio.
  • Cinematographer – is the person filming the project, and therefore they are one of the most important roles on the set.
  • Production Manager – The person in charge of production expenses and negotiating various contracts. Cinematographers may have recommendations for this role.
  • Production Designer – this person is responsible for the creative parts of the project. They can be recommended through production managers.
  • Sound Engineer – The one who makes the audio in your video sound amazing.
  • Sound Crew – Sound engineers may seem like wizards, but not even they can work with bad audio, and that is why a sound crew is crucial. They ensure that the engineer has what they need to make it all sound amazing.

How to Find a Film Crew in El Paso

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The easiest way to find a film crew in El Paso is to hire an experienced film production company like Beverly Boy Productions. Of course, you need to do your homework to make sure that you’re working with the best team for your unique project, but their knowledge can help you make tough decisions!

If you would rather handle the hiring process alone, here are tips on where to find film crew professionals in El Paso:

  • El Paso’s Film Commission – the local commission is the best resource for filming in your area. They have a directory that allows you to connect with qualified crews that can meet your needs.
  • El Paso Film crew websites & forums – this is a good way of finding people to fill specific roles in your production.

Hiring a Film Crew in El Paso

Assume that you have a few different potential candidates you are thinking of hiring to your film crew. What should you look for to ensure the film production in El Paso runs smoothly? The size of your film crew in El Paso needs to suit your needs—it doesn’t need to be large!

We also service Doña Ana County, Otero County, Hudspeth County, and Guadalupe.

Discuss film crew Pay Rates

The subject of film crew Pay can be quite a headache, but it is a must when you are hiring. The pay rates and expectations of the film crew member need to be transparent and upfront. Keep in mind that just because someone will work for cheap doesn’t mean the work they deliver will be the quality you want! When deciding on your budget, expect to pay a fair price for top quality film crew members.  

Demos & Resumes

A demo reel is a video that shows off the work a professional has done. This, coupled with a resume, allows you to see whether this person’s style and work ethic matches your style and interests.

If someone does not have a demo to show, checking references goes a long way. Resumes are a basic method of gauging someone’s experience, but sometimes reaching out to others who’ve worked with the individual you are thinking of hiring to really understand their skill level is a great idea, too!

Dos and Don’ts

  • DO get a second opinion on any candidate you’re considering hiring.
  • DON’T promise anyone a position on your production. You may find someone you like better before later on!
  • DO get recommendations if you’re having a hard time filling any position.
  • DON’T hire someone that may be skilled and experienced, but doesn’t work well with the rest of the crew.

Ready to Hire a Film Crew in El Paso?

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Now that you have the knowledge and tools you need to hire a film crew in El Paso, put it to good use! If you have worries about the hiring process, call Team Beverly Boy. We’re a full-service film production company with award winning film crews in El Paso ready to get to work today! 

We’ll assist with your film project, from pre production to edits, whether you need interviews, documentaries, event coverage, or feature films. We can help with it all! When it comes to hiring a film crew in El Paso we are the go to guys! We also service Ciudad Juarez, Juarez, Sunland Park, and Socorro.