The Do’s and Don’ts of Chicago Remote Webcasting

If you’re considering a live presentation to your audience via a remote webcast it’s important to take some steps to ensure your production is professional. Many Chicago businesses are using remote webcasting to deliver engaging presentations that allow for customer interaction. If you’re thinking about Chicago remote webcasting to connect your business with a remote consumer audience, it’s important to know how to prepare.

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Follow these tips to help you know what you should, and should not, do when remote webcasting:

Chicago Remote Webcasting Do’s

Several considerations can help you to ensure a successful experience for your customers if you’re considering a remote webcast.

Chicago remote webcasting your event or performance for an audience requires a steady internet connection and some planning.

If you intend to deliver the webcast in real time, it’s important to check your Wi-Fi connection and ensure you’ve got a steady uptime. Otherwise your webcast might be cut short.

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Follow these additional tips to ensure the success of your Chicago remote webcasting experience for customers:

  • Practice the presentation before the event so that you’re prepared.
  • Make sure the webcast is easy for viewers to attend. 
  • Decide whether the webcast will be hosted behind a password protected area.
  • Choose a venue for the webcast production that ensures plenty of room for the production crew.
  • Make sure to use at least two cameras so that you can deliver multiple angles to your audience to reduce boredom.

It’s also important to plan out any interactive options that will be incorporated into the Chicago remote webcasting experience for your viewers.

When hosting a remote webcast you have the option to deliver surveys, polls, chat box engagement, or various other activities for your audience which allows them to engage and allows your business to collect valuable insight into your audience.

Make sure that you’re also planning on how you will collect and save the data that comes up during these interactive events.

Chicago Remote Webcasting Don’ts

Now that you know what to do when planning your remote webcast, let’s take a look at a few of the things that seem to be most frequently overlooked when it comes to planning a remote webcast experience.

These are the things that you certainly should NOT do if you’re planning a Chicago remote webcasting experience for your team:

  • DO NOT forget to collect important user data!
  • DO NOT forget to use your own corporate branding in your webcast presentation!
  • DO NOT attempt to host a webcast without professional help – do you even know what equipment is needed?
  • DO NOT start your webcast late or finish late. Be mindful of your audience’s time!

We recognize that remote webcasting is an experience that many businesses and brands are new to.

Considering these top do’s and don’ts will help you to ensure that you’re not overlooking something important or doing something that is considered unacceptable in the remote webcasting experience.