Benefits of Showcasing a Case Study Video at a Conference or Event

When you’re running a brand sponsored booth or table at a conference or seminar, attendees have mere seconds to check your business out and decide whether they want to stop and learn more, or not. Showcasing a case study video at a conference could be an excellent opportunity for your brand to make a powerful first impression that will draw the viewer further in and potentially help them to become more than just a prospect casually walking by. In fact, there could be many benefits that come as a result of your decision to showcase a case study video at a conference or event.

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Case study videos that represent the solutions provided by your brand to a target audience can push viewers down the sales pipeline naturally inching them closer to becoming paid clients. Incorporating authentic, powerfully engaging, and personalized case study videos into your event promotion strategy can:

– Increase engagement.
– Boost conversions.
– Generate higher lead acquisition.
– Grow trust & brand authority.
– Drive brand recognition.

These are just some of the benefits that we’re going to cover. Depending on your business, the event you’re attending, and the offer you provide, you could see many other benefits, too.

Increased Engagement

Case study videos have been proven to increase engagement among a diverse group of audiences. When you’re at a tradeshow or conference, including a case study video in your demonstration is a great way to draw the attention of your target audience and keep it. Video increases engagement significantly over written content, especially if you’ve got a story to tell.

When people see video they are more likely to stop what they are doing and watch. If that video is exciting, offers information or data that we are interested in, or delivers a cutting edge experience that allows for interaction, engagement rants are likely to increase robustly.

Boost Conversions

It doesn’t matter how you cut it, showing a case study video at a conference is a great way to boost conversions. Case study videos have the capacity to increase audience buy-in. Relevant video case studies that help viewers to see the testimonials and targeted solutions provided by your business can be an excellent way of pushing the consumer closer to becoming a paid customer or client.

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In fact, the use of a Case Study Video At a Conference can increase conversions as follows:

– Just sharing videos can boost conference leads, but A/B testing different videos, especially those that feature subjects which fit the core demographic of conference attendees, can further increase conversion.

– Show off a video that is short and focused can boost conversions on site, but you should also consider the use of case study videos on your conference landing page. Include a QR code on any merch or gear that is included in the conference and then, make sure that you have a case study video representing all of your key offers and benefits on the landing page.

– Case study videos instill trust in your audience, even when they’re new and just meeting you or hearing about your brand at a conference. Be persuasive and share details in video form!

Generate Higher Lead Acquisition

At a conference, you’re probably there for two things: networking and lead generation. A video case study can help you with both. Showing a case study video that visually shares the important statistics and facts surrounding your brand’s ability to solve customer problems will draw the attention of others with similar problems making them more likely to submit their lead details for future communication. Yes it’s that easy!

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Grow Trust & Brand Authority

Sharing a Case Study Video At a Conference is a great way to help your target audience trust in your business. Case study videos are made up of customer testimonials and expert testimony surrounding the benefits and solutions provided by your business, brand, products or services. The best way to grow trust in your brand is by showing that other customers, just like your target market, already trust in what you have to share. It’s called social proof, and it’s a mastermind skill that few businesses understand fully – when you do, you’ll have no trouble increasing the level of authority that consumers attach to your brand.

Drive Brand Recognition

Cutting edge case study videos that include the use of advanced marketing and advertising techniques to build your business really are a must for your brand, especially if you want to generate any level of brand recognition among the audience and attendees. Showcasing a case study video at a conference or event your business is sponsoring is an excellent method of creating brand recognition. Since viewers recall 95% of what they see versus just 10% of what we read or 20% of what we hear, the best way to deliver a message that your audience will recall is with video!

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At Beverly Boy Productions we specialize in producing professional case study videos. If you’re ready to showcase a Case Study Video At a Conference you’re planning to attend, give us a call!