Successfully Marketing YouTube Videos: Everything You Need to Know

Successfully Marketing YouTube Videos: Everything You Need to Know When it comes to marketing YouTube videos, business owners and brands can find a number of valuable opportunities to reach the 2 billion viewers that engage on YouTube regularly. In fact, many options exist in regards to successfully marketing YouTube videos so that your brand or […]

Can You Use YouTube Videos in an Online Course

Can You Use YouTube Videos in an Online Course  When it comes to the creation of an online course, many e-learning platforms and course programs actually require a minimum amount of video be included in conjunction with course lectures or other content. If you’re thinking about creating an online course, and you already have YouTube […]

Benefits of Producing YouTube Videos for Business

Benefits of Producing YouTube Videos for Business Clients come to us all the time saying, “We need more views.” Or “We need more traffic.” Or “How can we make our videos result in higher sales?” At Beverly Boy Productions, we’re used to business owners having a lot of questions, especially about the video production process. […]

How Much Does it Cost to Produce a YouTube Video?

How Much Does it Cost to Produce a YouTube Video_

How Much Does it Cost to Produce a YouTube Video? The use of YouTube videos for corporate brands is a rapidly growing trend. Almost every big brand has its own YouTube channel and most small businesses have their own YouTube campaigns too. There’s little question as to the power or effectiveness of YouTube videos, but there happens […]

How Much Does it Cost to Make a YouTube Video?

How Much Does it Cost to Make a YouTube Video? YouTube is an extremely popular video powerhouse that attracts millions of viewers daily. Businesses are learning that YouTube videos are a very important addition to their overall presence online and stand to increase their following significantly. Perhaps you already know that you need to get […]

Tips for Successful Social Media Marketing in the Film Industry

Tips for Successful Social Media Marketing in the Film Industry Did you know that you can reach millions of people through social media? In fact, social media views make up roughly half of all internet traffic. Therefore, the best possible place for you to spend time marketing your film is through various social networks such […]

How to Promote Your YouTube Video

How to Promote Your YouTube Video Are you wondering how to promote your YouTube video? Whether you’re new to YouTube or you’ve been adding videos to your channel for some time, promotion is key to generating maximum ROI on your video content. We’re showing you what it takes to promote videos on the fast-growing platform […]

Quick YouTube Video Optimization Tips to Live By

Quick YouTube Video Optimization Tips to Live By Getting the most out of your YouTube channel requires more than just creating great video content and loading it to YouTube for the world to see. The most profitable YouTube channels all have one major element in common in addition to great video content–they all optimize their […]

7 Forms of YouTube Video Content to Promote Your Business

7 Forms of YouTube Video Content to Promote Your Business Over a billion hours every single day are watched on YouTube. If you’re not posting video content for your business to YouTube, you’re really missing out! In fact, YouTube is such as great network full of opportunity for businesses to promote that we’ve outlined several […]