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Successfully Marketing YouTube Videos: Everything You Need to Know

When it comes to marketing YouTube videos, business owners and brands can find a number of valuable opportunities to reach the 2 billion viewers that engage on YouTube regularly. In fact, many options exist in regards to successfully marketing YouTube videos so that your brand or channel will stand out against the competition. From paid marketing to organic options, more than half of all marketers currently use YouTube as part of their everyday marketing strategy to generate brand awareness, increase their reach, and drive higher conversions for their brand.

Since the average internet user spends 100 minutes watching video online each day, and one quarter of internet users spend more than 10 hours online weekly watching videos, it’s relatively safe to say that just about any audience can be reached via video content and that YouTube is doing a great job of reaching a crowd!  If you’re not successfully marketing YouTube videos for your business, you’re potentially missing out and leaving quality traffic on the table!

Once you’ve created a YouTube channel and you have uploaded some video content for users to see, it’s time to learn how to market your videos. Marketing YouTube videos is a lot like marketing any other types of video content or marketing content in general. You’ve got to optimize, share, connect, and repeat – over, and over, and over, again.

youtube marketing tip

Optimize YouTube Videos

The first step to successfully marketing YouTube videos is to optimize. This requires focusing on your keywords and targeting a specific topic. You want to do your keyword research before you produce YouTube videos, that way you can be sure that you produce content people are going to search for. 

Use the following tools to perform keyword research in order to define the topics that you will create YouTube videos about:

There are many other tools as well. Any of these will work. The goal is to find terms that relate to your business or brand and that are likely to generate traffic. These will be your basis for optimizing your YouTube videos.

Once you’ve got your keywords and your content is produced, you’re going to optimize your YouTube videos as follows:

  • Write a keyword rich, catchy title that grabs the attention of your target audience.
  • Write a keyword rich description that encourages your audience to click and watch your video.
  • Include a carefully crafted thumbnail image. People are more likely to click if there is a face, a logo they recognize, and a few strong words to pique their interest.

Share Your YouTube Videos

Marketing YouTube videos moves on from the optimization to the next step, sharing your content with others. This is where you’re going to share links to your YouTube videos with your audiences. Post them on your social media pages, in your emails, and on your website to drive additional traffic to your YouTube channel.

You can get creative with your sharing too. If you created a tutorial video, consider sharing it as a “response” to questions that others have posted on sites like Quora or Reddit asking how to do whatever it is you created the tutorial video about. If you created an FAQ video to respond to questions people on your website or social media pages had about your business, share the link in response to those questions. And if you created a YouTube video to accommodate a blog post that you already have, consider adding the video to the post for maximum value to your audience and to maximize your traffic to your YouTube channel.

Connect with Others & Share Your Content

Successfully marketing YouTube videos is an ongoing process that requires your continued commitment to sharing your content. Once you’ve posted your videos on your social channels and shared them across your website or other marketing campaigns, you can begin to see additional opportunities to connect with others that you can share your YouTube videos with to continue to grow your traffic.

Consider sharing your videos with other influencers that might be willing to share your content on their channels. You can also reach out to other brands or business owners on social media and in groups to find places to share your content where it will add value to other audiences. The idea here is to continue to create content that provides value and continue to find audiences where you can share your content to present that value. This is an ongoing part of the process that will never truly end – anytime you find a new audience that might benefit from your content, go ahead and share it!

play youtube video button

Repeat the Process 

Ultimately, YouTube marketing is about consistency. You’ll create many YouTube videos along the way, and each of them will require this same, step-by-step process of production, optimization, sharing, and connecting with others in order to generate traffic to your page consistently over time. 

As you repeat this process, you’ll get better at what you’re doing, your audience will grow, and your organic traffic should increase. Just stay consistent with it and don’t give up! Successfully marketing YouTube videos like this is sure to lead you to creating a strong channel of followers that come to engage with your page. Be sure that you actively engage with your followers by answering any questions or comments posted to your videos and thanking your viewers for their support!