7 Steps of Video Post Production

7 Steps of Video Post Production Post production video editing is the final stage of the production process, but that hardly means that you can skip out on it or limit focus as it’s a vital element of the process. In fact, video post production is likely the most important phase as this is when […]

Post Production Sound Editing Step by Step

Post Production Sound Editing Step by Step Post production sound editing requires a step by step process much like any efficient editing stream. Of course, the sound editing doesn’t come into play until the a final plan is in place for the footage and any cuts have been made. Otherwise, too much time would be […]

6 Post Production Sound Problems & Possible Fixes

6 Post Production Sound Problems & Possible Fixes Correcting sound problems on set generally starts with finding the problem and then eliminating it from the equation, but post production sound problems have quite different fixes. In post production, the sound problem is already a major element of the finished track. Therefore, determining the problem with […]