Atlanta remote shooting kits – Video Drop kits in Georgia

5 Reasons to Book Atlanta Remote Shooting Kits If you want contactless video recording, then you need to get remote shooting kits. These kits also provide exposure control when filming during COVID-19. In the same manner that you would go about operating the camera and lighting system in your studio, remote shooting kits make it […]

Colorado Springs remote shooting kits – Video Drop kits in Colorado

5 Reasons to Book Colorado Springs Remote Shooting Kits Remote shooting kits allow for contactless video recording and exposure control while filming during COVID-19. In the same way, you operate the camera and lighting system in your studio during a project production, remote shooting kits help you to approach the filming of top-quality video footage […]

Omaha remote shooting kits – Video Drop kits in Nebraska

5 Reasons to Book Omaha Remote Shooting Kits It is important to get remote shooting kits because they allow contactless video recording and exposure control, which are safety features that are key when filming during COVID-19. The same way you operate your camera and lighting system in your normal studio setup, remote shooting kits can record top-quality video footage with limited contact & zero face-to-face interaction. We are helping […]

New York remote shooting kits – Video Drop kits in New York

5 Reasons to Book New York Remote Shooting Kits Remote shooting kits offer contactless video recording and exposure control so you can stay safe and still reach production goals while filming during COVID-19. Just as you or your crew would handle a camera and lighting system in your studio for working on a production, remote […]

Los Angeles remote shooting kits – Video Drop kits in California

5 Reasons to Book Los Angeles Remote Shooting Kits Remote shooting kits offer contactless video recording and exposure control to keep you safe and productive while filming during COVID-19. Just as you and your crews handle the camera and lighting system at your studio for producing, remote shooting kits help the option of producing top […]

Chicago remote shooting kits – Video Drop kits in Illinois

5 Reasons to Book Chicago Remote Shooting Kits Remote shooting kits provide contactless video recording and exposure control for your staying safe while filming during COVID-19. Just as you or your crew would handle the camera and lighting system in a studio for production, remote shooting kits make the production of top quality video footage with limited contact & zero face-to-face interaction a possibility in this day and age. We […]

Mobile Video Production Equipment Reduces COVID Risks

Mobile Video Production Equipment Reduces COVID Risks Health and safety for the film production crew, and for your staff at the office is vital, now more than ever before. At Beverly Boy Productions, we’re always focusing on the steps we can take to minimize COVID transmission and keep our staff and crew, as well as […]

Drop In Camera Kits Bring Film Production to Your Living Room

Drop In Camera Kits Bring Film Production to Your Living Room Filming professional quality video has generally required extensive film crews and cart loads full of gear to get the job done. That meant, if you legitimately wanted to produce from your living room, you’d have to have a pretty big living room to work […]

5 Ways a Mobile Video Kit Encourages Safe Film Production

5 Ways a Mobile Video Kit Encourages Safe Film Production A Mobile Video Kit is relatively new means of delivering totally safe, COVID-19 compliant film production equipment to businesses so that they can stay safe while producing top quality Video footage for their brands. It is widely known that staying safe is extremely important now, […]

How Mobile Video Production Equipment Keeps You Safe While Filming

How Mobile Video Production Equipment Keeps You Safe While Filming Staying safe while filming is a major concern for businesses and brands that continue to produce video content during the pandemic. Mobile video production equipment can be used to produce live streaming events and various mobile live stream video content for your business without risking […]