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How Mobile Video Production Equipment Keeps You Safe While Filming

Staying safe while filming is a major concern for businesses and brands that continue to produce video content during the pandemic. Mobile video production equipment can be used to produce live streaming events and various mobile live stream video content for your business without risking your safety. Checkout these various ways that mobile video production equipment can be used by your business while you maintain safety while filming your staff or crew.

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1. Mobile Video Production Equipment Can be Sterilized Between Uses

Whether you rent the mobile video production equipment that you need to produce the video content desired during a specific time and then you return the mobile equipment or you purchase equipment to be used solely within your business for that purpose, when you’re not using it, this equipment can be fully sterilized for your safety. At Beverly Boy Productions, we sterilize all mobile video production equipment before use and again if we believe that any outside source or contaminant of any sort has compromised the cleanliness of the equipment or live streaming setups.

2. Mobile Video Production Equipment Delivers All Filmmaking Components in One Pack

Virtual Filming Package

If you’re considering filmmaking for your business, consider a mobile video production equipment contract with Beverly Boy Productions. Mobile video production equipment comes delivered to your home or office ready for use. The entire sterile unit can be used by your time or divided up so that there are no discomforts with the production equipment that keeps you safe while filming. 

3. Mobile Video Production Equipment is Hand’s Free/Operator Free

The latest mobile video production equipment is not only hands free, but it can be operated by a single individual. Often times the operator is free from the video production shoot. In fact, mobile video production equipment allows for hands-free use and an operator that can generally perform the various functions of the camera without additional interaction. 

Need help deciding if mobile video production equipment is the answer to your safety during COVID-19? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call!