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6 Ways to Use Video to Increase Conversion Rates

If you’re new to video content, perhaps you’re not yet aware of all the different ways that video can be used to increase conversion rates. We’re here to tell you that not only is video great at increasing conversion rates, there are several different ways that video can do this. In fact, conversion rate increases are quite common with video. Here are 6 ways to use video to increase conversion rates for your business.

Video on Homepage

The first way that you can use video to increase conversions is on your homepage. Videos on the homepage of a website increase conversions by as much as 100% in some cases. We see this a lot when a landing page is the business homepage.

Average conversions increase by 25% when video is used on the homepage of a website. In fact, in a split test in which a website had video on their homepage for one style and no video for the other, the homepage that included video had a 112% increase in sales from the homepage that included video.

 Increase Digital Adspend Conversions

Facebook Logo

Facebook reports that ads which include video convert with at least 2% higher CTR than those that do not include video. Using video in your digital adverts can help you to get more out of your marketing dollar. In fact, increased conversions from video are so common that many marketers are turning solely to video content for their paid promotions on Facebook.

Video Demos & Webinars

Webinars convert at 73% higher than traditional landing pages. Webinars are great for generating high-quality leads and chances are, if the prospect will stick around for the duration of your webinar, they will purchase at the end.

In fact, webinars are used to sell high ticket software solutions and services that cannot easily be sold with just a landing page alone. Consider product demo videos to help you increase sales of a product that has difficult to understand features.

If you conduct a webinar, make sure you record it so that you can share it in the future on YouTube and other channels. This way you can continue to collect leads and benefit from the conversions of the original piece.

Landing Page Videos

Landing pages that include video rank better in search engines, have higher CTR and convert more viewers into customers. In fact, in a test of landing pages to determine the benefits of video, studies found that landing pages that included a video converted at at least 12% higher than those without.

Further, up to 10% more revenue can be expected from a landing page that includes a video. If you’re not using videos on your landing pages, consider the use of a product highlight reel or special feature real on your next landing page and let us know how your conversions are!

Increased Time on Page

Used Round Silver-colored Chronograph Watch With Link Bracelet

Videos increase the time on your page. Whether a landing page, homepage or blog post, if you have video on the page you will see the benefits of increased time spent on the page. And, since viewers have to spend more time on the page in order to get to know what you are offering, there’s great value to adding video to your pages.

Recent reports show that webpages which include video have on average visitors that stick around up to two minutes longer than those without video. And, as a result these visitors are up to 64% more likely to purchase than visitors that stick around a fraction of the time.

Answer Questions

People Having a Discussion in a White Room

Videos that answer questions help you to increase conversions by showing your customers that you care about their needs. In fact, many consumers report they have interest in watching videos to learn about products or services.

On average, a consumer will watch 3 minutes of video in order to find an answer to their common questions. If you’re not answering questions with your video content, you could be missing out on a lot of interaction from customers that are looking for answers.

Use video to boost conversions throughout your marketing mix. From the early stages when you just want viewers to give you a chance to the post purchase stage when customer satisfaction if everything! Video can help you boost conversions in many different ways.