9 Benefits of Using the Orlando Film Commission as a Top Resource

Filmmakers frequently travel to new cities or towns in the pursuit of the next great location to film in and, in the process, they become newbies in uncharted territory. Those coming to Orlando benefit greatly from utilizing the Orlando Film Commission as a top resource for their filming needs.

In fact, not only is the Orlando Film Commission a top resource for filmmakers that come to O-Town to produce film, television, commercial or other forms of media, they’re also an excellent resource for the community at large.

Check out these top benefits that come from your decision to utilize the Orlando Film Commission as your go-to resource when filming in one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations – Orlando, Florida.

1. Location Library

The Orlando Film Commission features an expansive location library that gives filmmakers a quick taste of each of the wonderful locations in the city that are available for filmmaking.

The digital library is a quick reference point that you can use before traveling to the area to see it for yourself.

2. Regional Resources

The regional resources that the Orlando Film Commission can offer are second to none.

Like no other form of assistance you’ll find in the city, filmmakers benefit greatly from the knowledge and understanding that comes from all the different resource connections within the film commission.

3. One-Stop Permitting

Need a film permit? The Orlando Film Commission is your resource for one-stop, instant and easy film permitting.

They’ll help you learn when and where a film permit is required and what steps you’ll need to take to acquiring your permit prior to filming. This is an invaluable resource for filmmakers.

4. Crew Hiring

Need additional crew to help with camera operations or other services on the set while filming in Orlando? The Orlando Film Commission is your top resource for hiring local crew members to assist with your film production needs.

5. Local Knowledge

The Orlando Film Commission features some of the most valuable understanding of the local community and what filmmakers want to know about the area.

Acting as the liaison between producers and the local jurisdiction, you’ll find everything you need at the Film Commission and if they don’t have the answers, they know who will!

6. Law Enforcement

Need law enforcement to protect your cast and crew? The Orlando Film Commission is your top resource for connections to local law enforcement and can help you secure the appropriate team for support through the filmmaking process.

This is especially important when production involves crime reenactments or the use of firearms.

7. Traffic Assistance

Need help keeping traffic at bay while you’re filming? Or, do you expect that your production will draw a crowd that requires crowd control in Orlando?

The Orlando Film Commission will help you to communicate your needs with local law enforcement to ensure that traffic closures and directional needs are adjusted for the safety and security of your shoot.

8. Special Effects Coordination

Want to initiate some extreme special effects while shooting in Orlando? When you use the Orlando Film Commission as your go-to resource you can rest assured that your special effects coordination will go without a hitch.

Everything from coordinating the use of explosives or fireworks to initiating pyrotechnics will be covered with the help of the Film Commission.

9. Incentives

Finally, the Orlando Film Commission is a great resource for you to work with to enjoy the various incentives that come from the decision to film in Florida.

They’ll help you to decide which incentives apply to your production and what steps should be taken to enjoy the benefits that Florida film production has to offer.