Live Stream HOA Meetings Keep Homeowners Associations Safe Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

As the country hunkers down amidst the COVID-19 or Novel Coronavirus outbreak, many Homeowners Associations are seeking new ways to remain connected and in control of their neighborhoods while respecting social distancing guidelines. For many, this means live streaming HOA meetings so that members of the community can virtually come together to attend meetings regardless of health, location, or other factors that may otherwise limit ability to attend an HOA session in person. In fact, live stream HOA meetings represent a welcome opportunity to utilize technology to the advantage of HOA boards both in times of economic crisis and in times when the economy is not under stress.

live streaming an HOA Meeting

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Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of live streaming HOA meetings amidst the COVID-19 pandemic as well as future benefits of having live stream meeting options in place for board members that may otherwise not be able to attend an in-person meeting for various reasons.

Benefits of Live Stream HOA Meetings

Live streaming HOA meetings represents a key opportunity for homeowners associations to continue operating mostly as scheduled despite COVID-19 which has prompted many businesses to shut down, closing doors in an effort to flatten the curve and reduce the spread of the virus.

However, in states where statutes allow for live streamed HOA meetings to take place, or where governing documents allow for such meetings to be authorized, your homeowners association may benefit greatly from being able to live stream both now and in the future.

HOA meetings that include a live streaming option for members to participate provide the following benefits:

  • Attendance from members that are sick and otherwise unable to attend in person.
  • Attendance from members that are spread across geographic areas.
  • Ability to have more diverse memberships with fewer limitations placed based on geographic location, time constraints, or travel.
  • Ability to attend meetings regardless of time or location — conveniently attend via smartphone, tablet, or similar streaming device.

Stay in the Know

Live stream HOA meetings allow participants to be involved in the meeting even when they are traveling or away from the normal meeting location such as snowbirds who reside in another state for portions of the year. This makes HOA membership more attractive to those who otherwise may have not considered being actively involved due to their residence status changing during winter or other times.

In situations where an annual meeting may have otherwise taken place in a time when many HOA members have already left the area, a live streamed meeting can now include full attendance from members regardless of their current location. This is one of many examples in which live stream HOA meetings, in Florida, and in any state really, could be beneficial.

Allowing remote owner participation via live stream enables more people to consider becoming active board members or at least to participate via owner membership.

HOA group ready to live stream

Technical Aspects of Live Stream HOA Meetings

Technically speaking, live stream HOA meetings are relatively quick and easy to set up. A professional live streaming services crew can help you get your homeowner’s association meeting live stream set up and ready to go live in very little time.

As you prepare to live stream your first HOA meeting, consider the following technical aspects:

  • Consider your audience and what will be easiest for them to adjust to and use. Many HOAs turn to Facebook for their live streaming as they already have a Facebook page for the HOA and members are often already accustomed to accessing the page.
  • Choose recording equipment that will deliver the live stream quality that is ideal for your HOA. Discuss the live streaming equipment options with a professional live stream production crew to ensure the professional-level quality your HOA needs.
  • Know state law regarding the recording of members in the HOA meeting room. State laws differ in regards to whether it is legal to record those who are in the meeting without a prior release form having been filled out and collected by you–make sure you know case law for your state and are recording only what or who can legally be recorded.

Turn to Team Beverly Boy

If some of these technical aspects of live streaming HOA meetings seem beyond your understanding or too complex, don’t worry! Beverly Boy Productions specializes in live streaming services for homeowners associations and businesses large and small.

We’ll work out the technical details, including equipment needs and legal aspects pertaining to state level laws on recording to ensure your livestream HOA meeting is top quality and absolutely legal.

Give Beverly Boy Productions a call to discuss live streaming HOA meetings now, to stay abreast of social distancing regulations amidst COVID-19 and in the future to make attending an HOA meeting more convenient and accessible for members. Your audience will thank you!