How to Land Video Production Jobs in Indianapolis

Finding your first job on a film set is a big deal, just as it’s a big deal to land your first film production job in a new city. Aspiring filmmakers realize that the film industry is both competitive and challenging to work in, but it’s also rewarding and fun. Networking, building your resume, and communicating with each of the potential job providers in the area are just a few of the tasks that you should be involved in if you’re trying to land video production jobs in Indianapolis.

Indianapolis, Indiana Production Company

At Beverly Boy Productions we actively employ film crews throughout Indianapolis

1. Network and Do it Often

Networking should be a big part of your day-to-day initiatives. In fact, you should be networking with members of the Indianapolis Film Commission as well as with other film production professionals on LinkedIn or various other social media platforms.

The more you can get your name out there and show others what you’ve got, the better your chances are going to be in landing a job.

2. Work on Your Resume

A great resume can make the difference between landing a role in film production right away or spending many painstaking weeks or months looking for work.

Your resume should tell your story in a way that helps the area production providers feel connected with you and see the value that you could bring to the set.

If your resume isn’t an excellent rendition of your story, you should hire someone to help you improve it.

3. Create a Portfolio

Aside from your resume, a portfolio is the way that you can share your creative side and skills with job providers. Finding video production jobs in Indianapolis requires a lot of resilience and effort.

If you’ve got a great portfolio you can share it with anyone and everyone willing to look — and you’ll be surprised at how it can help you land a job.

4. Offer Your Services For a Reduced Fee

You can’t work for free forever, but you might have to provide services for a limited fee or for free in order to get your foot in the door.

If you’ve been trying to land video production jobs in Indianapolis for a long time and you’re struggling to make headway, consider offering your services for free in order to show the employer what you’ve got.

You just might land yourself a paid position and even if you don’t, you’ll acquire more skills that you can add to your resume.

5. Stay Consistent

You’ve got to keep at it. Finding and landing video production jobs in Indianapolis requires consistency. You’ve got to keep applying and keep working at it.

Don’t give up! If you’re sending out resumes on a daily or weekly basis, make sure that you’re also following up on a regular basis. It’s important to be consistent in your search and in your follow-up routines — and you will find work!