How to Make an Action Video

What’s it really take to produce an action movie? The truth is, a great deal of content that is consumed online and on television is action. Filmmakers love producing action films and audience members love to watch them. If you want to know how to make an action video that will keep your viewers engaged and on the edge of their seats waiting for the next scene to unfold, consider these steps.

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#1. Define Your Hero

Every great action movie has a strong hero. You cannot possibly produce an action video without a hero that is upbeat, in your face, and willing to die for literally anything! All great action videos have a powerful hero that takes center stage. 

Whether a male or female role, the action video must have a hero that is likeable and that your audience can connect with in some capacity. Larger than life personas are, of course, optional, and recommended.

#2. Plot the Revenge

As you look at how to make an action video you should be focusing a lot of your time on the script which outlines the roles, characters, and plot. Most of the time, an action film will have a plot that is primarily fueled by a character’s revenge. If not revenge, it’s some other form of vengeance or disdain that creates the narrative.

What is it that causes the main character to not only be so active, but to be willing to literally die for whatever the cause is? That’s the revenge! If not revenge, consider the protagonist or antagonist roles that will play out and how.

Take some time to determine how your hero or villain are going to play out and the reasoning behind the actions taking place on camera. This is important!

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#3. Casting

Like we previously mentioned, you need a hero that the audience connects with and likes. As you’re casting people for your action video think about their appearance, structure, voice, and features. Can you see your audience connecting with the hero?

Casting will require also finding other essential actors or talent for your video. Make sure that you cast the right people for the film. Auditions are important!

#4. Location Scouting

When location scouting for an action video it’s important to visualize the actions and behaviors taking place. Is there room for the camera crew? Is there plenty of space for everyone to be moving around — quickly?

A great action film will likely involve scenes with camera crews running, cars driving quickly, and other exciting scenes unfolding. Consider all of this when scouting a location.

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#5. Production

This is the fun part! You’ll probably have scenes that are played by your main actors as well as those that are emulated by stunt crews. If your key actors will be involved in any stunts make sure that you save the tricky parts for the later or end part of your film day.

This way if anyone is hurt or tired after the scene there is ample rest time.

#6. Post-Production Editing

Once you have figured out how to make an action video, the last step is to edit and prepare it for distribution. Editing will bring the entire series of footage and all scenes and shots together.

Most of the time the editing process will be a bit drawn out as steps are taken to establish special effects and other important elements that bring the film together. Want to learn how to make an action video for your brand? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today!