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Top 10 Event Video Marketing Tips

Promoting your event is the first major step towards getting others excited and involved. With the right strategy, you can promote your event with a marketing video that captures the interest of the audience and drives ticket sales. Follow these top 10 event video marketing tips to build the hype around your upcoming event.

  1. Generate Hype with a Teaser Video

As soon as you have a date planned for your event, consider creating a teaser video that will generate some hype for your event. Event teaser videos can offer viewers the highlights and details on what to expect while providing just enough information that they will want to register and do what they can to be part of the event.

  1. Market the Mission Statement for Inspiration

Create a mission statement video that will build inspiration so that people want to be part of your event. This type of video can include personal interviews with your corporate founder or CEO. You may also include details on how your business or the event helps the community in some way. Any way that you can connect with viewers emotionally will help you to drive more sales and get more people interested in being part of the main event.

  1. Post Event Videos on Social Media

Throughout the entire process, even before you have a planned date for the event to take place, you can start to generate buzz and excitement on social media. Tell your followers that you are planning an event. Keep them updated with videos showing the organization or teasers of the event. Continue to share footage even once the event kicks off and include recap footage after the event so that those who couldn’t make it are encouraged to try to do whatever it takes to be there next year.

  1. Post Event FAQ Videos

Keep potential visitors informed and help those who have questions out by including FAQ videos on the landing page or elsewhere for your audience. FAQ videos can be used to help customers and potential customers get to know your business, feel more comfortable with the event, and prepare. You can also share these on social media to continue to encourage interaction and involvement in the event.

  1. Include Event Announcement Videos

Are you gradually announcing special guest speakers or other details about the event to boost hype? Consider video announcements that introduce guest speakers or other details about the event leading up to it. These videos can be shared on the event timeline, social media, and anywhere else that you are promoting the event for potential visitors.

  1. Announce Sponsors via Video

Video announcements of key sponsors are a win for both your event and for the key sponsor. Both will benefit from the video marketing efforts. Consider the use of curated footage for these videos showing sponsor booth setup, interaction, and b-roll of the sponsors in their daily routines. Build hype around the partnerships that you have created as part of the event.

  1. Event Customer Testimonial Videos

Testimonial videos from past customers can be used leading up to the event to get others interested in being a part of the event. Likewise, you can gather customer testimonial videos to help validate your show and build trust. Use customer testimonials to generate buzz for the event next year.

  1. Live Stream the Event

For those who can’t make the event in person, consider a VIP pass that includes access to live stream footage of the event. This is a great alternative for small events that have limited in-person seating available or for those who simply cannot make it to the event location. You benefit from ticket sales beyond the capacity of the venue and your customers benefit from being able to “attend” the event from the comfort of their home or office. Live stream video provides an immediate level of engagement that consumers love.

When the event is over, you can use clips from the livestream to create recap videos. This way, next year’s event video marketing can begin right away.

  1. Thank Customers with Video

Your event marketing doesn’t end just because the event is over. Send a thank you video to customers to show your appreciation for their attendance at your event. This communication will help the customer to feel like you went the extra mile and will make them more likely to consider your event again next year.

  1. Share Event Recap Videos for Ongoing Interaction

Event recap videos can be used to keep an ongoing buzz about your business and event even after the doors to the venue have closed. You can post your event recaps on your website, social media, in emails and on YouTube for viewers to enjoy. Doing so will give future customers insight into your brand. Event recaps can also be used later on as reminders of the event that will take place the following year (if annual).

Event Manager Blog uploaded a great video on advanced tactics you should use to promote your event: