How to Hire a Film Crew in Madrid

Learning how to hire a film crew in Madrid is one thing, and applying the lessons is another thing. But if you want to create top- quality videos on your own, you have to learn the steps. Now, when hiring a film staff, you need to consider things like the project’s budget, as well as the experience and reliability of the film crew. Team Beverly Boy has outlined important resources that you can use to approach the hiring process with conviction. 

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Contact our office if you need pros to service your project in the following zip codes 28001, 28004, 28007, 28012, 28017, and others.

Film Crew Positions

BBP camera crew filming on location

The first step is to become familiar with the roles of the crew members that will participate in your film production process. By hiring particular positions in a specific order, it will be easy for you to get better recommendations for multiple positions in the professional Madrid crew.

As a professional crew, we offer full service Madrid film production services ranging from location scouting to acquiring Madrid film permits. Whether you need a 3-man film crew at El Retiro Park, or you are shooting an independent film along Calle de Alcalá, our team has got you covered. 

Here’s the Madrid film crew hierarchy:

  • Director – Provides the guiding creative vision of the film. The person oversees the production crew, and their decisions are really important.
  • Script Writer – Creates and shapes an original script, or adapts a story or play to be used on the big screen. 
  • Line Producer – Directs the actions of the production department in general.
  • Unit Production Manager – Responsible for management of all cost-related decisions. Working with the line producer, they may know where to find other crew members.
  • Production Coordinator – The person handles all paperwork and necessary communication between all departments to ensure they are working in harmony.
  • Locations Manager – Ensure the scouted areas are safe, fit and suitable for filming.           
  • Cinematographer – The person responsible for capturing the images of the film according to what the director’s vision is. They are also in charge of creating, bending, and capturing light in a way that achieves the look agreed upon.
  • Production Manager – The individual is in charge of production expenses and negotiating contracts. Cinematographers may have recommendations.
  • Production Designer – In charge of the creative outlook of the film. Works closely together with the director and director of photography.
  • Sound Engineer – The one who records all relevant sound that will be used in the final mix of the film.
  • Sound Crew – supports the sound engineer to ensure that the best on-set audio is achieved. 

How to Find a Film Crew in Madrid

Beverly Boy - Madrid Camera Crew

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The simplest way to find a film crew in Madrid is by hiring an experienced film production company like Beverly Boy Productions. You will actually have an easy time doing a background check on the crews we provide, because your options will be professionals with extensive experience in their areas of expertise. 

If you prefer to tackle the hiring process on your own, below are some tips that you can use to find film crew professionals in Madrid:

  • Madrid’s Film Commission – the local commission is the best resource for everything you need that is related to filming in your location. Most importantly, you can use their production directory to connect with local qualified crew members.
  • Madrid Film crew websites & forums – great platforms for finding people to fill specific roles in your roster.

Hiring a Film Crew in Madrid

You might have already filled all the positions in your film crew with the best candidates, what should you be looking for to ensure that the entire film production in Madrid runs smoothly? Keep in mind that the size of your film crew in Madrid is tailored to meet the needs of your project.

Contact our office if you need professional film crews to service your video needs in Guadalajara, Avila, Toledo, and Segovia provinces. 

Discuss film crew Pay Rates

The subject of film crew Pay can prove to be a headache if you approach it in the wrong way. When you discuss the topic with each film crew member, you should be open about the pay rates and their expectations. Just because someone is willing to work for cheap doesn’t mean that you will get the quality of service you want when you hire them. When deciding on your budget, expect to pay a fair price for top quality film crew members.  

Demos & Resumes

demo reel is a video compilation of an individual’s best work. The demo showcases the previous work of the person in under two minutes. It will help you to see the versatility of the individual. In the end, you will use it in combination with the resume to determine whether the person is suitable for your project.

There are positions that do not require a demo, and references take the central role. You can use the resume to call up referees. It can help you know how the work ethic of the individual plays out in the field, and how skilled they are in relation to the position they are applying for.

Dos and Don’ts

  • DO request for a second or third opinion on the individual you want to hire.
  • DON’T guarantee anyone any position, you might find a better person who fits the role.
  • DO ask for recommendations if you are unable to find reliable crew members.
  • DON’T overlook someone’s personality. Skills are as important as personality. Getting the crew to work in harmony can save you a lot of headache in a project.

Ready to Hire a Film Crew in Madrid?

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Now that we have provided you with the right tools to hire a film crew in Madrid, it’s time to put the information you have received to practice. In case you find it challenging to go through this process, call Team Beverly Boy. We’re a full-service film production company with award winning film crews in Madrid that have the right experience for your project. 

Hire our teams for interviews, documentaries, event coverage, or feature films in neighboring cities like Coslada, Leganes, Getafe, and Pozuelo De Alarcon. When it comes to hiring a film crew in Madrid, we are the go-to guys! Drop us a line at 888-462-7808 if you need help with your film project.