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How to Record Videos for eLearning that are Beneficial to Your Students

The eLearning market is projected to continue to grow globally from $240B in 2022 to a $375B market by 2026. With such huge growth, it’s both no wonder more people are seeking ways to learn how to record videos for eLearning and it’s expected for people to find ways to succeed in this industry. Who wouldn’t want a piece of the pie? 

In fact, learning how to record videos for eLearning that are beneficial to your student audience is incredibly important to the success of your course and to the success of your students. In an industry poised for such incredible growth, the competition is certainly fierce! A variety of considerations must be made in order to ensure any eLearning videos that you produce are top quality, and of top benefit, for your students. But how?

A variety of options exist in learning how to record videos for eLearning that are going to be beneficial for your students. Consider the following benefits of incorporating video into your eLearning courses.

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Video Presents A Large Amount of Information in a Short Period of Time

Videos can be used to present a very large, and detailed amount of information to your audience in a short period of time. In fact, the use of video to condense otherwise vast amounts of information or data into a short, burst of information that is easy for your audience to follow and to digest is one of the greatest benefits of video. As you plan the types of videos that you’ll record for your students, think about the most complex information that you’re going to teach in your course and consider how you could make that information easier to follow and understand with video that includes audio visual support. This way, you can carefully select the most appropriate content to use for the videos of your course.

Videos Make Demonstrations Consistent & Efficient

Recording videos that are going to benefit your students is really all about planning out the demonstrations that you’ll film in order to be consistent and efficient with your training. Since video is an excellent medium for teaching complex techniques or providing otherwise complicated training, this is your chance to excel! Record your videos so that:

  • Your students can easily follow step-by-step demonstrations.
  • Students can easily visualize the concepts and processes that you’re explaining.
  • Scientific content, or mathematical details, are visually easy to follow and understand.
  • Animations and other special effects are used to help students follow abstract or complicated concepts.

The more you can break down the complicated bits of your course instruction when you’re recording your videos for eLearning, the more satisfied your students are going to be with the instruction. 

Videos Accommodate a Variety of Learning Styles

Students don’t all learn the same way. Some are visual learners and others learn socially. Some students learn kinesthetically while others may learn in completely different ways. As an educator, it’s important to provide instruction that your students can resonate with and that they will relate to. Including video in your eLearning courses will help your students to understand the concepts that you’re teaching, regardless of the cognitive load that you’re instilling upon the student learner. With video, you can display content in a variety of ways to suit different learning styles thereby accommodating a wide variety of learners.

Videos Make Content More Relatable to Students

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Creating a learning environment in which students feel connected and where they can relate to what is being said is vital to the success of your students and to ensure their knowledge retention. Getting students to recall what you said and how important a particular concept was can be challenging. Fortunately, the use of video can improve student recall and information retention by up to 80% of more. In a recent study, students reported successfully recalling the information being taught to them by video more consistently and efficiently than any other instruction medium.

Knowing how to record videos for eLearning that are beneficial to your students is certainly an important role in today’s competitive eLearning environment. To produce quality videos that will help your students engage and learn more than they possibly could with text alone, give Beverly Boy Productions a call. We know how to record videos for eLearning that are going to benefit your students in a variety of ways including:

  • Helping students engage and understand more complex topics.
  • Teaching complex topics in a fraction of time to save time in class.
  • Minimizing student frustration when working through complex subjects and topics.
  • Improving student outcomes and information retention.
  • Accommodating a wide variety of learning styles.
  • Presenting large amounts of information in a smaller amount of time.

At Beverly Boy Productions, we know how to record videos for eLearning and can’t wait to work with you on your next big project. With more than two decades of experience, we’ll help your audience gain the appreciation that comes from a professionally produced eLearning video and the amazing power that video content has to teach and train new concepts.