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Filming E Learning Video Production in Chicago, IL

With the E Learning industry poised to grow from just $200B in 2019 to more than $375B in 2026, there’s no better time than the present to begin filming E Learning video production in Chicago, IL. Many educational platforms, such as Thinkific and Udemy even go as far as to require a minimum essential amount of video content to be uploaded with each course educators provided on their platforms. This alone is proof that video is no longer just a consideration for online course content, it’s an absolute must! In fact, some would call videos the cornerstone of course creation and for good cause!

Video content helps students to learn & engage firsthand with educators. But creating video content for an online course is about more than just pulling out your iPhone and pushing record! When it comes to filming E Learning videos professionally in Chicago, there are a lot of careful considerations that must be made to ensure the educational content that you create is prepared to go head-to-head with content produced by your competitors. 

Why Create E Learning Videos?

Producing E learning videos for your audience is absolutely vital to the success of an online course. Consumers spend up to 5.5 hours watching television and online video each day. Organizations and course creators that choose to create e learning videos in addition to their written coursework, lecture material and static images stand to help their students gain deep understanding of key concepts.

E learning videos produced in Chicago have the potential to convey hours of instructional material in a fraction of the time while helping audiences to fully understand the content and retain it long term. Videos provide a multisensory learning experience that is incredibly valuable to an online environment. No other media format has such flexibility, versatility, and efficiency. 

Chicago is a great place to film e learning videos, too! You’ll find many amazing locations throughout the city including John Hancock Center, the Willis Tower, and Art Institute of Chicago which all make amazing backdrops for footage. Just keep in mind that the city gets incredibly rainy and cold in the winter months, so you’ll want to wrap any outdoor scenes in late spring, summer, or very early fall to minimize your risk of inclement weather interrupting your shoot. 

Who Benefits Most From E Learning Videos?

Professional organizations in the Windy City that choose to create professional e learning videos that they can use to teach and train their clients, customers, and employees can stand to benefit in a variety of ways. E Learning videos actually help people in many industries and roles including:

  • Management & leadership especially when learning how to work with a team.
  • New Team Member Onboarding when learning how to utilize operate in a new role for a team.
  • New Client onboarding & customer education to learn how to maximize use of new products or services.
  • General Skill Sharing with wide Audiences that are interested in learning new tasks or gaining general knowledge.
  • College & University Students that are taking courses in everything from science to social studies, cooking to craftwork.

Filming e learning video production in Chicago certainly has a wide variety of benefits for students and audiences of all shapes, sizes, and structures. And, since Chicago is one of the largest cities in the country, there’s certainly a large student audience that can benefit from more learning videos being created!

How Chicago Businesses Benefit from E Learning Videos

Organizations stand to benefit rather significantly from e-learning video production, too. Not only do corporations save time and money by incorporating e learning videos into their new employee training and onboarding, they also often find that the use of e learning videos makes coursework easier to understand for students and their students regain the information they learn, longer. 

As humans, we actively engage with video content on an everyday basis. We tend to recall up to 95% of what we see and hear on video compared to just 10% of what we read. Therefore, organizations can benefit quite substantially from the training provided via video rather than training in-person, via a manual, or otherwise. The fact is, if you want your audience to learn efficiently, and effectively, e learning videos are the answer! They’re ideal for:

  • Customer experience training
  • Leadership development
  • Policy & compliance training
  • Cultural strategy training
  • Sales team training
  • Management strategy training
  • Customer service training

If there’s something that you want your organization members to understand, training with e learning video production is not only important, it’s more effective and efficient than any other media on the market. Consider the use of e-learning training videos to help your student audience gain insight, and knowledge, on a variety of different concepts that apply to your organization.

Elements of Professional E Learning Video Production in Chicago

Not all filming and e-learning video production in Chicago is created equal! Professional filming requires some very important elements and considerations, first. In fact, well-structured e-learning videos are the result of essential planning to ensure educational goals and objectives are met with each video that is produced. As you decide on the most appropriate topic for consideration, it’s also important to consider the following elements of professional production:

  • The timeline for your project. When do you need to have your video finished?
  • The budget for your project. How much can you spend on production?
  • The style of video you want to create. Will you create an interview, talking head, animation or some other style of video?
  • The total length of your video. How long will it be? Remember, the best e-learning videos are well under 20 minutes. Most students prefer 6 minutes or less!
  • The story delivery of your video. Will you tell a story or will you use another process to help students visualize your important concepts?

Working with a professional filming e learning video production in Chicago is likely to bring up many other important considerations that will be discussed along the way. It’s your job to be prepared to answer any questions your production team has well as to offer insight into the ideas or important details that you want to be included in the video content you create. 

Want to learn more about filming e learning video production in Chicago? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call! With more than two decades of experience, we can’t wait to begin filming your eLearning videos and instructional course content.