Find & Hire a Diverse Camera Crew in Lexington

If a Diverse Camera Crew in Lexington Kentucky is what you’re after then look no further than Beverly boy productions. We have what you need. Whether you need professional film and video content to update your website or you need a better marketing and advertising strategy we can offer that to you as well. Give us a call to hire a Diverse Camera Crew in Lexington. You’re contributing to vendor diversity when you work with us.  There’s nothing that our Diverse Camera Crew in Lexington hasn’t handled before. They can handle a wide array of video production projects.

Video Production Jobs in Lexington

A culturally diverse video crew is what you need to take your diversity up a level. You can also use this team to keep the competition on its edge. If you’re a minority owned business this type of team can work wonders for you. At Beverly boy productions they can handle any aspect of expert video production. This does not only include offering post production editing services. We are able to assist you with any other projects you need. This could even include local live streaming in Lexington, event filming, commercial production, testimonial and interview video creation, whatever you need. Our teams are more than capable of handling it. Give us a call if you are located within any of these surrounding cities: Paris Winchester, Richmond, we are available to offer services.

Diverse Camera Crew in Lexington

When you need a Diverse Camera Crew in Lexington keep us in mind. Beverly boy productions loves to support small business enterprises. Let us help your minority owned company today. We can work together to improve the cultural diversity of your brand. We can create a mind-blowing video project that will really wow your audience and get you the diverse viewers that you need. All you have to do is call us for a culturally diverse video crew. We can work together to create a truly amazing project.

Beverly boy productions like businesses that support supplier diversity. We also like working with businesses that are owned by underrepresented individuals. We can relate to these businesses because we’re also a minority owned business. We go out into the underserved communities and see who we can offer help and assistance to. The minorities we actively hire come from within these communities as well. When you are ready to work with female film crew members give us a call. You’ll be partnered with these on your project. You can even request an LGBTQ film crew, veteran camera crew or any other type of diverse individuals from us. Our services are available to any business within the surrounding counties: Fayette, Bourbon, Clark

Contributing to supplier diversity is a great thing but it is not the only thing your business should be focusing on. You want to be known as a completely diverse business. There are some other changes you will need to make. This can also benefit your business in the long run. Think about cultural diversity, inclusion and acceptance in your supply chain. Think about how to incorporate all these aspects into your company and you will see amazing benefits in return.

A few of those benefits are listed here:

  • Achievement of a more diverse thought, experience, and underlying approach to filmmaking and to the delivery of your film project.
  • Flexibility is an innovation above and beyond what you might have experienced in the past.
  • The ability to look at, and perceive challenges in an entirely new light as well as to implement new solutions.
  • Increased creativity & resilience which is essential to the outcome of your video project.

Does diversity really change the industry? Yes, diversity impacts filmmaking end video production. It is not just film crews that should be diverse. It is an entire company because video production is not just based on film crews alone. You have all the office staff and all the people that work in the behind the scenes positions as well. Beverly boy productions is a black owned, minority inclusive film production company in Lexington. Just give us a call, we can discuss this topic further. We can also discuss how to get you, our services. They are available to anyone within the following zip codes: 40502, 40503, 40504, 40505

Black Camera Crew in Lexington

Hiring a black camera crew in Lexington is another way to show off your diversity. You show the people that racial equality and acceptance is your focal point. They will identify you as a socially acceptable business. This will make it easier for them to decide whether or not they want to work with you and support your company. When you want this type of Diverse Camera Crew in Lexington give Beverly boy productions a call. We have one that cannot wait to film with you.

We place a high importance on cultural diversity and the implausibility of our staff members. This makes us an equitable and socially acceptable business. This also leads more people to want to work with us. We present opportunities to members of the African American community. We want to help all diverse individuals. That is why we go into the underrepresented communities and minorities and offer them our assistance at every chance we get.

There is a lot that a black camera crew in Lexington can bring to your project. Being that they are a diverse team Your chances of getting increased diversity are even better. They can reach an entirely new demographic of people with your video project. When you work with them you also contribute to social responsibility. Your viewers are sure to take note of this. This will make your company look a lot more appealing in their eyes. But what are the benefits of using them? Well, when you’re drawing new clients your sales and profits will increase. This will lead to traditional economic impacts. There are other benefits. You can call and talk to us about them when you call for services.

These individuals are part of the Diverse Camera Crew in Lexington:

  • Director of photography
  • cinematographer
  • camera person
  • grip
  • gaffer
  • sound operator
  • DIT
  • producer
  • Director
  • Production coordinator

Female Film Crew in Lexington

Hiring a female film crew in Lexington also contributes to diversity. You represent women in film. You give them more opportunities and a chance in the industry. They have not been thought about in recent years. However, in 2022, women made up less than 24% of average film roles. These statistics were based on a study from the Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film. Now that you know how underrepresented this group is you want to do more to help. You can call Beverly Boy productions for that. We have female film crews that you can work with on your project.

Our female film crews in Lexington bring diversity to your project. They perhaps bring a missing element. They can be the extra push that your project needs to be better than the competitors. When you’re ready to work with this Diverse Camera Crew in Lexington give team Beverly boy a call. They know their way around Lexington quite well. They can even recommend some of the following venues for you to host your production at: Limestone Hall, The Mane on Main, Bell House. If this is not the type of team you want to work with talk to us about it. We can match you up with any number of veteran filmmakers or even an LGBTQ film crew. All you have to do is request the type of team you feel Would be best for your project.