Video Production for Tutoring & Driving Schools

Learning how to drive, speak English as a Second Language, prepare for an exam, or otherwise learning or improving your conceptual understanding of a topic that may or may not be included in your traditional line of study at school often requires the support of tutoring or driving schools to achieve your educational goals. The tutoring & driving schools industry is a $14 billion market that includes more than 177K businesses and brands operating as remedial course providers, tutors and tutoring assistants, instructors, academic professionals, and various other individuals in athletics, language, management, fine arts, and a variety of other subjects. Many of these businesses utilize expert Video Production for Tutoring & Driving Schools in order to achieve their marketing, advertising, training, and promotions goals.

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As much as increased discretionary income and overall rates of people choosing to spend money on test preparation, tutoring and driving education have gone up contributing to revenue increases for tutoring and driving schools within the industry, digital competition is fierce and has caused many of these businesses to struggle a bit more than they normally would. All things aside, continued growth is expected across this industry as more people choose nonessential training, tutoring, and courses that fall within this industry.

Beverly Boy Productions produces expert quality video content in a variety of styles and types including marketing & promotional videos, video training, and expert interview videos that will boost audience awareness, generate increased client interest in your services, and produce increased revenue for your brand.

Promotional Videos for Tutoring & Driving Schools

Promoting a small or large tutoring business or driving school is something that almost requires video over any other format of marketing & advertising these days. As consumers spend more than 1/3 of their time online engaging in video content, business owners that overlook the value of short, engaging promotional video content could potentially miss out on a huge audience of more than 78% of people who watch video online every week.

Promotional Video Production for Tutoring & Driving Schools goes beyond pushing the sale of one-on-one instructional hours, appointments, educational gear and expert support to include sharing the message or knowledge of your business online.

Marketing Videos for Tutoring & Driving Schools

Marketing Video Production for Tutoring & Driving Schools can have a number of very valuable benefits for your school or business. Video marketing will boost your conversion rates, whether you’re trying to increase conversions on you website, in your email campaigns, through your organic marketing efforts, or via a variety of other activities. Marketing videos have the power to:

     • Increase your landing page conversions by 80%.
     • Increase the total average amount of time visitors stay on your website, reducing bounce rate.
     • Increase the total number of qualified incoming leads you generate each year.
     • Grow revenue for your tutoring or driving school business 49% faster than non-video initiatives.

Failure to utilize marketing videos to increase your reach, boost audience awareness and generate targeted leads for your tutoring or driving school business is literally like leaving money on the table for your brand.

Training Videos for Tutoring & Driving Schools

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For tutoring & driving schools that are experiencing rapid or consistent growth, training videos can reduce the amount of resources & underlying responsibilities that many employers must engage in in order for proper team training to be provided without reducing the knowledge, experience, and key insights which are provided to trainees. In fact, training Video Production for Tutoring & Driving Schools can:

     • Improve student & teacher access to training programs increasing engagement rates.
     • Increase knowledge retention rates so that student & employee trainees recall 65% more after 7 days.
     • Reduce missed training sessions and provide a more flexible training atmosphere for students & for employees.
     • Improve skills that students & employees learn from training by providing unique path-based training programs and delivering training in a format that is preferred by most.

Training videos are inherently more powerful, engaging, and fun for employees and students to be a part of when onboarding to become members of your tutoring & driving school or to otherwise participate in your programs.

Interview Videos for Tutoring & Driving Schools

Interview videos serve a variety of potentially valuable purposes for tutoring & driving schools. Many choose to include expert interview videos in their marketing, promotions, and advertising campaigns to build audience trust & confidence in the school, but interview videos can take trust building once step further by showing off how niche specific your educational program is and providing industry-specific insights that are ideal for the growth of your media campaigns.


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Many tutors and driving school owners or managers are surprised to learn about the benefits of expert guest interviews which can aid in developing student confidence in the expertise behind the business, show off the professional nature of the business, and help students and target audience members to feel confident in the services that you provide.
Beverly Boy Productions produces expert video content for all of your marketing, advertising, and promotional needs. Give us a call to learn more about Video Production for Tutoring & Driving Schools and to get started toward achieving your brand growth goals.