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Benefits of Working with a Charlotte Customer Testimonial Video Production Company

Identifying loyalty among customers and sharing the details with your prospective audience is the equivalent of word of mouth marketing that was once incredibly popular back in the 70s, 80s, and early 90s before the internet would take over and fundamentally changed the way we shop. Today, customer testimonial videos are the equivalent of the early word of mouth marketing and recommendations that were once offered between friends and family when new products or services were used. And these testimonials are important because, according to 95% of consumers the data contained in a review, whether it’s positive or negative, has the power to influence purchase decisions.

As a Charlotte business owner, if you’re even considering the producing of customer testimonial videos and reviews for your business, which you should be, it’s important to work with a professional. In fact, there are  many benefits to working with a Charlotte customer testimonial video production company. At Beverly Boy Productions, we work with Charlotte business owners frequently on the creation of professional customer testimonial videos. Checkout the benefits that many of our clients have found in working with us.

  1. Pre-Interview Engagement with Customers for a Professionally Produced Testimonial

One of the greatest benefits of working with a Charlotte customer testimonial video production company is the experience that they bring to the table when producing testimonial videos for your brand. Not only will they provide a pre-interview engagement with your customer so that they can work out the details of the storyline that is behind your customer’s satisfaction with your brand, but they’ll actively engage with your team to ensure the creative details of your project are captured, fully, from start to finish.

  1. Expert Equipment for an Expert Experience

Have you looked into purchasing film production equipment, or renting it, so that you can produce your own customer testimonial videos in Charlotte? If you have, you likely know that purchasing the equipment will cost tens of thousands of dollars, and renting it could cost several thousand, too. Not only that, but if you rent, you’ll be under the pressure of a time limit, or else you’ll face additional rental fees. Pair that with the fact that you may not know how to use the equipment the way a professional would and you’ve got yourself a huge challenge, right at the height of your production.

Why face so much pressure? Hiring a Charlotte customer testimonial video production company will provide you the ability to sit back and relax while the professionals do the work. After all, do you really have the time or the money to invest in film equipment and to learn how to use it, too?

  1. Experience in Storytelling & Engagement

You’re hiring a Charlotte customer testimonial video production company to help you share the story of your customer’s and their satisfaction with your brand, right? So why would you consider hiring someone that doesn’t have experience in storytelling or engagement? You probably wouldn’t if you knew that was the case, and yet so many clients that we talk to don’t realize the importance of credentials and checking with the production company about their storytelling skills ahead of time. So, now you know!

Hiring a professional Charlotte customer testimonial video production company that can assist you in creating an engaging story that highlights the value, vision, and satisfaction of your customers and the relationships that they’ve developed with your business is key to the success of your project. 

  1. Time Saving Solutions that Matter to Business Owners

We’ve talked a little about time, but do you realize how much time working with a professional will potentially save you? Producing a customer testimonial video could easily take up several weeks of your time if you’re not careful, and ideally you want several testimonials to be distributed to your target audience so that you can reach a wide group of people that share in similar likes and dislikes as your target audience. Doing all of this yourself is almost certain to be troublesome.

Hiring a Charlotte customer testimonial video production company to work with is going to save you a lot of time. You can deliver the details of your project in a creative brief, and the rest will be left up to the professional film crew that you hire. The time saving that occurs as a result of this, and the expertise that the professionals have in the industry cannot be overlooked- nor should it be.

single person interview

  1. A Production Process You Can Trust

As a business owner, you’ve got to be able to trust that whomever you hire to assist you with the projects that you take on will be able to fulfill their end of the obligation. Hiring a Charlotte customer testimonial video production company, like Beverly Boy Productions, provides you with the sense of trust you need in the production process to ensure that your project will be completed to the fullest and most professional extent. From beginning, during pre-production when planning a story that aligns with your target customer base is essential, to post-production when the entire project comes full-circle and is prepared for distribution, working with a professional is key.