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5 Reasons to Hire a Miami Customer Testimonial Video Production Company for Your Business  

For decades, word of mouth advertising and recommendations from friends and family have been exactly what consumers look for in trying new products or services. The rise of the internet hasn’t specifically changed how this works, with the exception of the fact that consumers now turn to the internet for these reviews or recommendations more so than they turn to their friends or family. As such, customer testimonial videos are integral to building social trust and to generating business growth for Miami area businesses. However, producing professional testimonial videos requires the support of a professional Miami customer testimonial video production company.

At Beverly Boy Productions, we work closely with Miami area business owners to produce top quality customer testimonial videos that will drive consumer trust, build social proof, and generate increased business revenue and sales for the brand. If you’re not fully convinced that you need the help of a Miami customer testimonial video production company like Team Beverly Boy to take your business or brand to the next level, consider these top reasons to hire a professional film crew for your customer testimonial videos.

Lighting Setup

  1. Consumers Believe Customer Testimonial Videos are More Authentic 

In order for consumers to feel truly invested in a business or brand, they often turn to customer testimonial videos for insight and answers to the questions or concerns that they have about a brand. In fact, 39% of consumers state that they believe customer testimonial videos are more effective than branded videos because they are more believable and they trust other customers over the brands themselves.

  1. Testimonials Featuring a Person are Better than Any Other Style

When you hire a Miami customer testimonial video production company to assist in the production of testimonial videos for your brand, you add a human element to your business that increases consumer trust. Testimonials that feature your past customers, speaking about their experiences with your business and how satisfied they are with your brand are more likely to generate the consumer trust that you need in order for increased sales and ROI. Since a professional film crew can assist you in showing customers on camera in a way that will reflect professionally, and positively, on your brand, this is exactly what you need to do!

  1. Professional Production Crews Have Expert Knowledge of Equipment

Not only does hiring a Miami customer testimonial video production company for your business mean that your customer testimonial videos will be filmed with expert equipment, it means that the equipment will be used to its fullest extent by experienced professionals. As a business owner, you can respect the value that comes from learning and mastering a skill, can’t you? The amount of time it takes to master film production equipment, including lighting, audio, and camera equipment can equate to several years for the experienced professional – if you don’t have time to spend several years training, you need to hire a pro!

  1. Customer Testimonial Videos can Double as Product Demonstrations

You may not immediately think about it this way, but professionally produced customer testimonial videos can actually double as product demonstrations for your business in many cases. The thing is, when you hire a professional Miami customer testimonial video production company like Beverly Boy Productions to assist you with the creation of top quality customer testimonials, they’re able to take what your customer has to say about your business and turn it into a story.

This story is directly relative to your target audience, and for many audiences, testimonials present a story that helps them to visualize themselves using the products or services that are represented in the video. A professional film crew will assist in creating the visualization of how a product or service can work for your target audience, something that 47% of audiences state is important and effective with these types of videos.

  1. Professional Testimonial Videos Influence Purchase Behavior

Of all the reasons to consider hiring a Miami customer testimonial video production company, one of the key benefits of working with a professional is the fact that you’ll display a level of professionalism that your audience can’t get enough of and the videos that you distribute, complete with customer testimonials being the basis of the stories you share, are exactly what will influence consumer purchase behaviors.

As many as 79% of consumers state that it is video testimonials that made them want to make a purchase from a business or brand. In fact, according to 2 out of 3 customers, customer testimonial videos are behind purchase decisions. So, in order to reach about 66% of consumers, you need to be displaying customer testimonial videos in order to influence their decision to purchase from your business or brand.

Still not fully convinced that you should be hiring a Miami customer testimonial video production company for your business? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call and we’ll provide you with a list of reasons that working with a professional is the best answer for your customer testimonial needs!