COVID Safe Video Production in Las Vegas

The safety and efficacy of cast, crew, and contractors is always a key focal point for filmmakers and those in the media industry. That’s why, when there was a worldwide Coronavirus spike in March 2020, the Nevada Film Office and the CDC knew that immediate steps were necessary to ensure COVID safe video production in Las Vegas. As a result, a number of guidelines, procedures and best practices were initiated to ensure safe production on the set and in studios.

Beverly Boy camera crew on set

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COVID Safe Production Standards

Beverly Boy Productions follows essential COVID safe video production practices in Las Vegas. Our goal is always to keep our cast, crew members, and contractors safe while working on our film sets and in our studios throughout Las Vegas and worldwide.

To keep you, and our community safe, we follow these essential guidelines:

-Require that all cast, crew, and contractors be screened for COVID risks as well as for appropriate temperature checks prior to entering the film set.

-Maintaining social distancing standards of at least 6 feet between each member of cast and crew.

-Ensuring safe environments for those working the film set.

-Promoting frequent hand sanitizing and washing on the set and off. Providing alcohol-based hand sanitizer as well as sanitizing wipes for use between hand washes.

-Arranging individual sanitizing, disinfecting, and cleaning practices for before, during and after each shoot.

-Limiting the use of shared equipment, disinfecting equipment between uses, and reducing department interactions.

Beverly Boy covid safe crew

Video Production Drop Kits

In addition to the many standards followed for COVID safe video production in Las Vegas, Beverly Boy Productions also began distributing video production drop kits in March 2020.

These drop kits were to fulfill immediate video production needs while film sets and various non-essential businesses were still on lockdown in early 2020 due to the Coronavirus.

We continue to deliver these video production drop kits which are:

-Delivered using contactless delivery for your safety.

-Easy to use for point and shoot production with a professional quality outcome.

-Disinfected between uses for the health and safety of our clients.

Want to learn more about the steps taken to ensure COVID safe video production in Las Vegas? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808!