5 Ways Hospitality Video Production Increases Bookings

As a hotel or resort owner, telling your brand story visually with video is almost essential, especially if you want bookings. Fortunately, hospitality video production increases bookings in various ways for hotel, resort and bed and breakfast owners.

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If you’re not already seeing increased bookings from your video marketing efforts, you may be doing something wrong! Hospitality video marketing increases bookings in these 5 ways.

1. Featured Amenities

Videos that feature on-location amenities can be used to  increase bookings. Visitors that are seeking a particular amenity such as on-site breakfast, or activities for kids on-site, will find your hotel video and feel compelled to book.

Hospitality video production increases bookings, customers say they are 64% more likely to book a hotel after they see a video that showcases the amenities that they are looking for.

2. Visitor Testimonials

Visitors that are happy to stay at your resort are the best type of advertising for your hospitality business. In fact, video testimonials of visitors that have stayed at your hotel can result in more bookings.

70% of consumers state they seek online customer testimonials before they make a final booking decision. Hospitality video production to increase bookings should include customer testimonials on your website.

If you don’t have video testimonials yet, you can re-purpose past customer testimonials that came through Yelp or in writing to your business into video scripts to be used for testimonial content.

Interview video production

3. Listing Videos & Virtual Tours

Are you renting out a vacation rental? A listing video or virtual tour highlights the key details of the hotel room or the resort location for potential bookers to see. Include a listing video anywhere you can advertise to help you increase bookings to the particular location. 

Consider B-roll footage in your listing video. Drone footage or the use of aerial footage to capture key elements of the area such as the pristine beach view or nearby parks can be used to help you boost consumer interest in the locale.

4. FAQ Videos

Potential renters have questions about staying at your property and the best way to answer those questions is with a video. Consider FAQ videos on your website as well as to be used ala carte to deliver key information to potential renters throughout the booking process.

When hospitality video production is focused on FAQ videos, make sure you answer questions individually, keep it short and to the point, and offer key details for the viewer to get additional answers if needed. 

5. Hotel Personality Video

What’s your hotel really like? Do you have features that other hotels don’t have? Do you have amenities that can’t be found anywhere else in town? Do you offer something special to each guest such as a personal touch that no other hotel in the area provides?

A personality video can help you show potential guests how personal you are and help them to build an emotional connection to your brand before they arrive. 

Ready to hire hospitality video production services? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808! We can’t wait to help you!