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Should Virtual Conferences Make Video Available to Attendees?

Hosting a virtual conference is something that about 48% of businesses and organizations will do in 2022. Many are turning to virtual events due to COVID-19 while others are simply finding that virtual conferences are a great way to adjust to the changing times as more consumers are seeking opportunities to engage with businesses and brands online rather than off. No matter what your reason for hosting a virtual conference is, if it’s something your thinking about doing, you’re probably wondering, “Should virtual conferences make video available to attendees?” And if so, how long should the video replays be made available for, and at what cost?

These are all very common questions that virtual conference hosts tend to have, particularly when it’s their first time and they’re just planning the process. If this sounds like you, and your organization is considering a virtual conference, this guide will help you with some of the essential questions and planning considerations that you might have so that you can host your virtual conference in 2022. 

virtual conference

The Importance of Video at Virtual Events

First, let’s review the importance of video at live and virtual events such as virtual conferences. As technology improves and consumers become increasingly more reliant upon video, brands and organizations, particularly those that are hosting virtual events, must realize the importance of utilizing video both as entertainment, and for educational purposes, in just about everything they do. Outside of a continued desire or obsession for some to “go viral” video is incredibly important throughout a virtual event. 

If you’re wondering, “Should virtual conferences make video available to attendees,” the short answer is, ‘YES!’ But it doesn’t end there! Organizations that host virtual conferences should really stop and think about how they are going to utilize video throughout their event to entertain, educate and engage their audiences. 

How to Use Video Throughout a Virtual Conference

If you’re new to hosting a virtual conference, you’re probably wondering how to utilize video throughout the event. What do consumers expect? How much is too much? Is there too much? Not only should virtual conferences make video available to attendees, but they really should stop and think about the inclusion of video at each stage of the event including:

  • Pre-event- create videos ahead of the event to be shown at/during the event and create videos that you can use to promote the event ahead of time to generate hype.
  • During event – create videos that showcase workshops, keynote speakers, speakers on the main stage and other stages or areas of the event, and highlight videos that you can later use to show the event to others.
  • Post-event – create videos that include CTAs to draw attention to your event and attract guests to future conferences or events.

So throughout all of this, should virtual conferences make video available to attendees? YES! All of these videos can be made available to attendees at various points and times. Pre-event videos should be made available to prospective attendees to gather their attention and draw them to the event. Videos shot during the event can keep attendees engaged and entertained, provide education, or otherwise offer insights or information that is relevant to the event. Post-event videos can be used to draw attendees back to the event or conference platform for additional offers, post-event add-ons, or other experiences which can further add to the revenue and interest that you generate from your virtual conference overall.

virtual conference

Types if Videos to Show at Virtual Conferences

Not only should virtual conferences make video available to attendees, they should make a variety of different types of video readily available in order to ensure attendees are satisfied with the event and the activities being provided as part of the virtual conference. Fortunately, there are a number of different types of videos that you can show at virtual conferences to engage and entertain a crowd. Consider the following:

  • Webinars
  • Sales Meetings
  • Teleconferences and Zoom Calls
  • Conference Gatherings or Corporate Meetings
  • All-hands presentations
  • Training Seminars
  • Semester Opening Activities
  • Remote Exchanges such as virtual introductions
  • Virtual Job Fairs & video presentations
  • Thought leadership videos
  • Product pitches
  • Online demos
  • Organizational showcases

Overall, when our clients ask us, “Should virtual conferences make video available to attendees,” our first answer is, “Yes,” but we tend to follow that with a thorough explanation of the various types and styles of video content that can be produced as well as the many different ways virtual conferences have evolved to include video.  Many clients are surprised at the way video has evolved to include interact audience engagement and other virtual experiences that make hosting a virtual conference so much fun.

To learn more about virtual conferences and the videos we think organizations should make available to attendees when they decide to host conferences virtually or hybrid with a mixed online and in-person approach, just give Beverly Boy Productions a call and ask us, “Should virtual conferences make video available to attendees?” We’ll be happy to answer your question and to discuss your project in further detail!