5 Hidden Benefits of Filmmaking in Boston

Boston area cinematographers already know the value and great benefits that come from filmmaking in Boston, but those that are new to the city or just considering a move in production services are largely underinformed. If you’re looking for some incentives, you’ve come to the right place! Filmmaking in Boston is extremely exciting, flexible, and profitable. Learn more about the competitive programs that make filmmaking in Boston a dream come true. Here are 5 hidden benefits of filmmaking in Boston.


1. Tax Credits are Huge

In short, filmmakers follow the money and in Boston, film production tax credits are equal to 25 cents on the dollar for all new spending that a filmmaker brings into the state. Even the most budget conscious filmmakers can see the value in a 25 cent per dollar reduction in expenses. The tax credits for filmmaking in Boston are certainly worth the move!


2. Iconic Features

Fenway Park, the Sun Belt, Harvard Yard and other majorly iconic locations are found throughout Boston. This is certainly a draw to filmmakers because you can literally get the best of multiple time periods within just a few city blocks.

In fact, there are alternate versions of America featured throughout the city and then within a short distance, you’re in New York City!


3. Ethnicity & Culture

Filmmaking in Boston frequently takes place because of the culture and ethnicity that draw filmmakers to the city. The Irish draw is largely attractive but so too is the deeply rooted culture that can be found throughout the local eateries and pubs throughout the city. Area producers appreciate the value of the Old Neighborhood and the culture that comes along with it.


4. Geography

When you’re in the heart of New England, right in Boston’s center, you’re also less than an hour away from mountains. You’re an hour’s drive from the ocean. Basically, pick and choose the landscape that you wish to be in and you’re there within an hour. The geography makes filmmaking in Boston one of a kind. From forests to farms, you’ve literally got it all at your disposal.


5. The City Itself

If nothing else makes filmmaking in Boston a dream, the city itself will! There is an amazing mix of architecture and endless supply of abstract filmmaking opportunities throughout the city. Stop along any roadway in downtown, especially along Charles Street, and you’ll see what we mean! There’s endless abstract for your camera and the backdrop is literally, well — like something out of a move!