Dubai Live Web Streaming 

Navigating Dubai Live Web Streaming can be challenging, because there are many factors coming into play for a successful streaming event. Fortunately, Team Beverly Boy has a lot of experience and can take your event, message, presentation, and stream it to the audience you want to reach, while making sure that everything is pulled off without any problems. From having the right software for publishing, to the input process, to ensuring the right levels RAM and evaluating the upload speed and all the way to viewing, we make sure that everything is as professional and successful as you want it to be, all the while making sure that you’re a part of the process.

United Arab Emirates Live streaming personnel

The UAE live streaming personnel that plays a key part in the success of a project is the Technical Director. A logistics coordinator, of sorts, he/she is in charge of the technical side of any live stream. They make sure that the software is the best that can be used for your project and check that the best equipment is used for filming. They also know when we should be using a Duel or a Quad processor, and how much GB of RAM is ideal for the best quality streaming. Our TD measures the upload speed against what your project calls for. They also know how to check that the omnidirectional mic is sounding just right and lined up with visuals, working hand in hand with our audio team. Technical Directors know how to create the best viewing experience.

Dubai Live streaming service provider

As you try to locate a Dubai Live streaming service provider, you’ll find that there are many popular providers like Twitch.TV,, YouTube Live to choose from. Some will allow you the option for PIP while others let you display graphs and images during the live feed or toggle back and forth, but not every provider offers everything you need. At Beverly Boy Productions, we’ll take care of these things for you, so you don’t have to worry about a thing. We’re well-equipped for your bonded streaming as well and compatibility with your Cellular 4G, Wi-Fi, USB modem, and Ethernet. We offer top quality and speed as well as reliable service for any project.

Camera Gear for Professional Live Streaming

There are times when you can use a phone to live stream. This instance is usually with friends. If you have a professional event, it’s probably best to use top quality Camera Gear for Professional Live Streaming. Many cameras do have good resolution these days, but at Beverly Boy Productions, we want to make sure that you put your best foot forward and we believe the best way to do this is to shoot on cameras like the Sony FS7 or the Panasonic GH5, or better. This gear allows us much more flexibility than we would have otherwise and they also have some cool features that we love to use for unique live stream projects and perspectives.

Ideal venues for Dubai live streams

Dubai, UAE is a fast-growing destination with plenty of venue options for Dubai Live Streams. A top location is the Dubai World Trade Centre, big enough for almost any kind of event that you can think of. Classy, like many of the local centers, it offers both the beauty and space you want for a professional event. The Dubai Knowledge Park Conference Center is ideal for corporate functions or training events. There are a plethora of places to choose from for your Dubai Live Stream.