8 Traits to Look for in a Top Chicago Cinematographer

Cinematographer is an extremely creative field that is equally as competitive. While there’s no shortage of the potential traits that a great Chicago cinematographer may possess, we most commonly see creativity, leadership and confidence related values to be at the core of these professionals.

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Many are extremely artistic and confident in their ability to carry out their creative passions behind the camera.

Check out these top traits and qualities that we believe most Chicago cinematographers should possess:

1. Integrity

Becoming a Chicago cinematographer requires an honest level of integrity and strong moral principles.

These creative individuals frequently work with diverse teams and are responsible for bringing the vision of the director out behind the camera. It’s a tough job, but it’s equally rewarding for those involved.

2. Methodical

Filmmaking isn’t always as methodical as we might like it to be and sometimes requires more flexibility than it does a method to the madness, but you’ll find that many great cinematographers have a systematic way about them in how they think and that they tend to already have an idea of what comes next.

3. Compassionate

Working together with a team requires compassion for others.

When you hire a Chicago cinematographer that is compassionate and has the ability to show their concern for what others are feeling it is equally seen in the way they deliver their creative vision on camera. This is how they connect with the audience.

4. Adventurous

Videographer Prepping Camera Gear 241

Filmmaking can take you all over the world frequently engaging in new activities and within entirely new locations.

It takes an adventurous type to pack up and go wherever their camera and crew take them.

5. Determination

If you’ve ever been behind the scenes of a big production, you know that there are all kinds of things that can go wrong on shoot day, even for the most prepared cinematographers and crew.

Determination is important because it’s what keeps each Chicago cinematographer going when they’re feeling like it might be time to throw in the towel.

6. Resourcefulness

There’s always something that we forgot to bring with us when filming on location.

As you look for a Chicago cinematographer to hire for your production, consider those that are most resourceful because they are the ones that will have the insight and intuition to come up with whatever it is that is missing!

Whether it means fabricating a shadow box out of a clothespin and an old t-shirt or something entirely different — cinematographers are certainly resourceful.

7. Meticulous

Beverly Boy camera crew

The tiniest details on a set can make a huge difference in the production. A great Chicago cinematographer is going to be meticulous and pay very close attention to the fine details of the production.

8. Technological

Working cameras and camera equipment is something that certainly requires a level of technological savviness that not everyone has. 

As you’re looking up the various traits that a great Chicago cinematographer should possess, consider this top of the list!