6 Surprising Benefits of Virtual Seminars

Virtual seminars are a relatively new concept in schools, work, and community-wide training. Many leadership opportunities and training programs are shifting to virtual education as a way of delivering engaging and impactful educational sessions without all the fuss of in-person programming. While virtual seminars are highly popular due to social distancing measures in place countrywide as a result of COVID-19, health benefits are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these virtual learning events. Check out these surprising benefits of virtual seminars.

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1. Faster Learning

Virtual seminars train faster than an in-classroom or handbook style training program. Video increases student engagement and improves learning speeds. A single minute of video can equate to upwards of 1.8 million written words — 1.8M! Students are able to process visuals 60K times faster than they can process text. Therefore, virtual seminars that use video to deliver the educational series stand to deliver significantly more information and faster learning than any other content form.

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2. Greater Retention

We recall about 20% of what we read. When we watch a video, we retain about 80% of what we see. The difference of 60% could make a major impact. Think about the things learned in virtual seminars — many are health-related — now think of only recalling 20% of the information. Not good! Visual education stands to improve the rate at which we retain information so that we not only learn more, but we retain more.


3. Global Reach

Virtual seminars allow you to reach worldwide with your content. In-person, seminars may only reach local roots otherwise. The ability to not only reach globally but include people from all around the world makes the virtual seminar more exciting for attendees too. Global reach stands to help those in attendance at virtual seminars to gain more networking and interaction too.

Global reach

4. Improved Collaboration

There are a few ways that virtual seminars improve collaboration. First, people are more likely to collaborate when they are in the comfort of their own environment. Second, people will collaborate if they have the ability to. Facilitating a virtual learning environment allows people to collaborate more easily from their home or office, on their own time, as they see fit.

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5. Improved Efficiency & Cost Savings

Seminars are traditionally held in conference centers and auditoriums worldwide. This means that to attend the individual would generally need to take time off work, travel to the seminar, book lodging and rental cars for their stay, and accommodate food and other expenses. This meant the loss of productivity and a total lack of efficiency for the individual. 

Virtual seminars improve efficiency by providing an opportunity for attendees to participate in the seminar from their home, office, or anywhere really without missing work or other responsibilities. There is no need to travel, book lodging, spend money on unnecessary elements, or take time off work.


6. Flexibility

Virtual seminars are flexible. People can attend when they want, from wherever they want. The flexibility makes the seminar more interesting for many attendees. People who may otherwise not have attended an in-person seminar due to busy schedules, location, or other responsibilities can now attend because they can participate without completely interrupting their day-to-day tasks. Being able to participate on-demand and get involved without traveling is a huge benefit to virtual seminars.

Ready to produce virtual seminars that will attract your audience? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today!

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