6 Benefits of Hiring Event Production Companies in Boston for Your Live Event

One of the best ways for Boston business owners to quickly extend their reach and grow their brand is by offering live corporate events that are shared online through live stream. But live stream video production is certainly not as easy as grabbing your iPhone and using Facebook Live to record and share your event with a crowd! While live events do represent a key opportunity for businesses to connect with both a local audience and a remote crowd, the decision to stream an event means hiring event production companies in Boston to help you capture all the excitement.

Boston Massachusetts video production

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Check out these benefits of hiring event production companies in Boston so that you can professionally film your next corporate event and share it with the world.  

1. Pre-Event Planning

You may not even realize all the things that you don’t think of when you’re new to event production or just starting out with video. First of all, planning a live event is a big deal! It takes hours and hours of pre-event organization and coordination.

Everything from where the event will take place and when, to how long the event will be and whether there will be breaks or intermissions planned in between will also have to be planned.

In addition to all of that, planning for how the event will be live streamed, where it will be shared, and whether access will require a password, paid entrance, or other features or not will also be planned. 

2. Production Crew Coordination

Filming a corporate event for your business most certainly will require a crew. The typical event production crew in Boston consists of multiple camera operators, a director, a narrator, a switcher, and even a broadcast engineer to keep everything in order during the production.

If you’re filming an event that will be recorded for future viewing, a post-production team will work to finalize raw footage and bring the video up to speed.

Coordinating a team like this requires precision of scheduling and a firm understanding of each role required to ensure you get just the right team for the job — it’s not easy!

3. Equipment & Backup Equipment

Web Livestreaming Crew

Hiring event production companies in Boston for your live event will most certainly bring the benefit of higher quality equipment for filming the event than what you would have used if you were to film yourself.

In fact, not only will the production crew come with all the necessary equipment and gadgets for the job, they’ll have backup equipment in place as well as backup batteries and other gear to ensure that no matter what happens — your show will go on!

4. Tenacity to Keep Going

There are almost guaranteed to be several times during your event when things are going to go wrong and you’re probably going to want to just throw in the towel, and give up!

Hiring event production companies in Boston comes with a hidden benefit that you may not realize until after the fact — these professionals have the tenacity to keep going, despite the tough challenges that arise when shooting a live event. 

Professional event production companies have well-organized teams with strong, resilient attitudes toward professionalism and getting the job done. You’ll notice the team has a Plan B, or a Plan C, when it’s needed.

They have alternative ideas and they can pull solutions out of the sky when it means the production isn’t interrupted! It’s a skill that not just anyone will have!

5. Strong Knowledge of Technology

BBP Cinematographer

Hiring event production companies in Boston to produce your live event will come with another benefit that you may not realize until you’re in the middle of the event itself.

That’s when you’ll see all the equipment in place, and all the different gear being used, and the technology that is being incorporated into the event. Notice all the technology, and how much knowledge the crew has?

A great event production company has access to, and knowledge of, all the top technology that is required for your video to come together without a hitch.

6. Budget Conscious Professionals

Not necessarily “affordable” some can be very affordable, others may have extensive costs involved, but all event production companies in Boston are budget conscious.

They’re able to discuss the budget with you upfront when you are first chatting with them about the project needs, and then they make sure to stay within the budget for the rest of the project.

They’ll track expenses, and staff expenditures throughout the project to ensure the budget remains on track for the duration of the filmed event.

This is one of the many ways that hiring event production companies in Boston can help your business succeed with your live event!