Building Strong Emotional Connections with Branded Video Content

Building Strong Emotional Connections with Branded Video Content Video production experts realize the importance and value that comes from building connections with your audience. But high quality corporate videos take planning and a lot of working parts to come together at just the right times in order for success to be achieved. Follow these tips […]

6 Shoot Location Logistics You Can’t Afford to Miss

6 Shoot Location Logistics You Can’t Afford to Miss Anyone in the video production industry will tell you that having a great location scout that finds  shoot locations that are everything you need is vital to success in the industry. Location productions have a whole set of challenges that change with each shoot and are […]

How to Build Trust with Video for Trustworthy Websites

How to Build Trust with Video for Trustworthy Websites Creating a sense of trustworthiness on your website can be hard. With so many fakes in the world, and so many websites that really cannot be trusted, the steps you take to build trust with your customers, clients or patients that visit your website are as […]

Power in the Proof: 4 Reasons Video Testimonials are a Must for your Brand

Power in the Proof: 4  Reasons Video Testimonials are a Must for your Brand Few things are as important as social proof and the reputation that your brand has with prospects, customers, and your community. In fact, with proof that your brand is what you say, the sky’s the limit in terms of sales and […]

Quick Tips for Corporate Culture Videos that Attract Visitors

Quick Tips for Corporate Culture Videos that Attract Visitors Using corporate culture videos to attract top talent to your business is just one of the many ways that this kind of content is useful. In fact, corporate culture videos that represent your brand can be used for recruiting, training, social connections and various other means. […]