How Video is Changing Customer Support Services In a Great Way

How Video is Changing Customer Support Services In a Great Way Customer support is at the forefront of satisfaction and can make or break the success of a business. If you donā€™t provide adequate support for your customers, they may leave and never come back. Worse yet, they will tell others about their miserable experience […]

How to Make a Video for Facebook Advertising

How to Make a Video for Facebook Advertising Facebook advertising  Facebook is one of the largest social networks and most robust locations online for advertising small, medium and large businesses. The demographic data that is offered in the Facebook advertising platform is a dream come true for marketers. But, none of this is very helpful […]

Tips & Tricks to Include Videos in Your Sales Process

Tips & Tricks to Include Videos in Your Sales Process Videos can be used for more than just marketing to consumers. They represent a great opportunity to be used during sales presentations and various other stages of the sales process. Follow these three tips and tricks to include videos in your sales process. [blog-contact email=”email” […]

Setting Realistic Expectations for Video Production Budgets

Setting Realistic Expectations for Video Production Budgets We frequently come across clients that have a desire for website videos or social media videos to be produced but they have very unrealistic expectations. Itā€™s very common for consumers to come into the idea of video production for their websites with a champagne taste and expect to […]

6 Tips for Efficient Film Production: Lessons Learned in a Competition

6 Tips for Efficient Film Production: Lessons Learned in a Competition Involvement in any film competition makes you equal parts nervous (about whether youā€™ve done enough to win) and competitive (trusting your gut instinct that you ARE the best competitor). While film competitions are a ton of fun, thereā€™s a few things weā€™ve learned about […]

Why 4K Video Isn’t Always the Answer & Bigger Isn’t Always Better

Why 4K Video Isn’t Always the Answer & Bigger Isn’t Always Better Video footage is available in various ā€œsizesā€ which represent the file size as well as the viewable size of the final rendered files that are delivered to you when your video project is done. And, while the initial reaction from you may be […]