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Why Making Videos for Small Business is Key Post COVID 

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Small businesses have faced many challenges with closures and changes to the economy resulting from COVID-19. Many brands are struggling to find ways to connect with consumers and others are facing continued challenges with building up the trust between consumers and their storefronts. Consumers are afraid to enter business locations for fear of COVID or other infections. Others wonder how businesses are adapting to meet their needs in this post COVID world. These are just a few of the reasons why making videos for small business is key post COVID. 

Ease Consumer Minds with Post COVID Reopening Videos 

Did your business close due to COVID? Many small businesses had to shut their doors due to the infections and the growing concerns that took place throughout the country this year. If your business closed its doors for a while, and you’re noticing that some customers seem to hesitate to come back, a post COVID reopening video can help to ease consumer minds. 

Show your customers the steps that you are taking within your business to protect them. Share details on how your business is protecting its employees. Discuss the changes that have been made within your business to adapt to the Post COVID world. These types of videos will help your brand stay connected to consumers while easing their minds as they consider interacting with your small business once again. 

Entice Customers to Purchase From You 

Small businesses that are struggling should consider video to help entice customers to make a purchase. Customers report that they frequently go to Youtube and to various other sources online for information on products and services that they are considering. If you do not have video content for these prospective consumers, you are potentially missing out on the opportunity to make a sale. 

Statistically, 50% of people who view a video online will go on to make a purchase. If you’re not sharing videos on your website or on social media, you could be missing out on that 50% share of conversions. 

Benefits of Video Marketing for Local Businesses

Engage Consumers on Mobile 

Video content that is two minutes or less is ideal for mobile devices. Making videos for small business post COVID with the idea of mobile connections in mind are key to your engagement with consumers. As 

you work to engage with consumers, consider creating content that will help the consumer see the value in your brand, feel more connected to your brand, and remember your brand the next time they are ready to make a purchase. Video has the power to boost your conversions, increase brand recognition, and build your social proof so that consumers are more likely to purchase your products or services. 

Internal Video Content for Small Businesses 

Not only do small businesses need video content for consumers, but they also need to use video for their internal communications. Post COVID making videos for small business is a key way of communicating with employees that are social distancing and keeping your team connected. Consider quarterly review videos and sharing your presentations via video. Small businesses can also use video content for training employees while maintaining social distancing policies that have been set by the CDC. 

restaurant social media video ideas

Beverly Boy Productions has been making videos for small business for more than 20 years. If you need video content for your small business give us a call — we can’t wait to get started with you!