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How to Hire a Film Crew 

Hiring a film crew is one of the most important parts of the job when it comes to creating top quality video content for your social media, marketing, or any other visual project you may have. If you’ve never had the pleasure of hiring a professional video production crew before, chance are you don’t know where to start or what to even consider before closing the deal. That’s okay! 


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We’re outlining the most important resources and decisions that you’ll need to make when hiring a film crew to ensure your production project is a success. If you’re wondering How to Hire a Film Crew, read below.

First, Hire Department Heads 

If you’re wondering How to Hire a Film Crew, here is step one. The first step to hiring a film crew is to make a list of the department heads that you’ll need for your project and prepare to hire them.

Once you’ve hired the department heads much of the hiring will be overseen by them for each of their support crew members. In fact, the department heads often bring support crew along with them or at least make recommendations on supporting film crew members which makes your job of hiring a film crew easier. 

Hiring department heads first will provide you with a backbone of knowledge when it comes to reviewing resumes and talents for additional crew members. Y

our DP, gaffer and other production leads will likely be able to help you find and hire additional film crew members that will get your project done. 

Check References 

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As you review resumes, make sure you check references! When thinking about How to Hire a Film Crew, references are essential to choosing a crew. Many tend to ask for references and then forget or fail to check them out.

Due diligence is required when hiring a film crew to ensure you’re getting the best people for the job. Short list any candidates that submit a resume and references that are exemplary. Keep them in mind as you progress through the planning process.

If another crew members falls out or cannot accept the project, head to your short list for next in line – it will save you time and effort as you work to hire a film crew that’s right for you. 

film crew

Conduct Interviews 

The next task in front of you is to conduct interviews. If you’re not familiar with the crew positions, it may be better to have the department leads conduct interviews for you with your presence.

Hiring a film crew requires a thorough understanding of the work ahead and the job carried through by each team member. Be prepared to ask essential questions as you conduct the interviews.

Be Courteous to Interviewees

You want to leave the interview feeling like you gained knowledge about the applicant that can help you decide whether or not they are ideal for the position. Do not promise anyone a position.

It’s common to like someone that you interview, and think they are great, until you interview someone else that has more skills and is better! 

The interview should not only focus on the ability of the crew member to carry out the desired role but also on his or her ability to get along well with other members of the crew and to mesh well with your team.

If you interview a great candidate that doesn’t seem like he or she would be a good fit with your team as a whole, it may not be an ideal position. Both skill and demeanor are important when building a film crew that produces exemplary work. 


Ask for Second Opinions 

You think someone that you interviewed is a great fit for your film crew? Ask someone else on the team what they think.

If you’re hiring a film crew that will work together for several weeks or even months depending on the project scope it can’t hurt to seek additional opinions from others on your team before you make the final decision whether to hire or not. 

Ask other team members to provide you with some hard facts that they noticed (or didn’t notice) about the interview candidate. Pros and cons are great! 


Tie Breakers for Candidates 

If you’ve interviewed several candidates that all seem to fit the bill you’ll need to employ tie breakers to help you decide who to hire. Consider personality the key tie breaker when you hire a film crew member.

For example, you meet two interview candidates that both seem to have all of the qualifications you’re looking for. How do you decide who to hire? Perhaps one of the interviewees seemed a bit stuck up and hard to get along with? You certainly want to use personality as a way to decide NOT to hire that member. 

Remember a happy crew is a more productive crew. Likewise, when you hire a film crew that have similar personality features and all seem to want to work together, you’re more likely to find that the project comes out more creative and valuable.

This versus one that includes someone that is difficult to work with and whose personality is the type to run people off the set. 

Beverly Boy Crew

Ready to Hire a Film Crew? 

Ready to hire a film crew that will help you with your next big production project? Beverly Boy Productions specializes in delivering all-in-one film crew solutions for clients worldwide.

We’ll take much of the effort and risk out of hiring a film crew by bringing our entire team of videographers, production leaders, and crew members with us to your project. When you hire Beverly Boy Productions you get multiple decades of experience and background in the industry on your side. 

We cannot wait to get started on your next big (or small) production project. From social media skits that attract attention to case studies and customer testimonials, our film crews are ready and waiting to produce top quality videos that attract your audience.

No job is too large or too small for us — whether you aspire to produce a movie or a mini-series, a 10 second clip or something much more detailed, Team Beverly Boy is ready and able to assist you! Hope this blog helped you relating to How to Hire a Film Crew. contact us for more details.