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Choosing a Commercial Video Producer for Your Business Advertisements

Whether you are the business owner or the marketing director, finding and choosing a commercial video producer to help you with professional business advertising can be challenging. You want to hire a professional that will provide you with top quality work but there’s naturally a budget and time-frame that you need to stick to as well. So where do you begin?

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Follow along as we help you choose a commercial video production company that will help you produce top-quality business advertisements for your brand. Even if you have no history of hiring a video production crew in the past, this guide will help you hammer out a set of steps to get the task done.

1. Review Past Work

The first step to choosing a commercial video producer for your business is to take a look at their past work and conduct a thorough review. You’ll want to review their demo reel but you should also be prepared to ask for past client based work, especially recent clients.

This way you can get an idea as to whether or not they provide the type of work that you would expect for your business or brand.

Many companies will have a basic video in their portfolio that they tend to share with prospective new clients. This is great, but you also want to ask for additional video footage that they have completed, specifically relative to business. This way you can get an idea of whether they do a good job with producing business type content.

2. Discuss with Previous Clients

The next big step in choosing a commercial video producer is to discuss the production company and their work with previous clients.

Ask the client what it was like working with them? Were they satisfied? Did the project turn out they way they wanted? Better than they expected? Were there any issues or problems working with the commercial video producer? What were those issues?

These are all things that you want to be prepared to talk about when you get references from the producer and begin talking with past clients. Make sure you know what it’s like working with this production company and what to expect.

3. Estimate Willingness to Achieve Your Goals

Man Wearing Black and White Stripe Shirt Looking at White Printer Papers on the Wall

Does this producer have the capacity to work with you and help you achieve your goals with this particular business advertisement? As you talk with the producer and begin to make an assumption based on your chat as well as past clients and a review of their work, how do you feel?

Do you feel that the commercial video producer that you are reviewing has the willingness to work with you to meet your goals?

Look for Red Flags

Consider a rapid fire, “Can you just give me a quick quote,” to see if the production company is willing to give you a quote without actually hearing you out on the details of your project. A big red flag should be raised if they say, “ok” and provide the quote without any project details!

If price is a major deciding factor, does this production company seem that they will work within a price that is within your budget? Have you discussed this with them at all?

It’s hard to gauge at this phase but you need to start thinking about the various working parts and whether or not this particular company is right for you.

4. Quality vs. Quantity

The next consideration in choosing a commercial video producer for your business advertisements is the price and quality vs. quantity factor. Of course you want great quality. And sometimes quality and quantity don’t go together. Sometimes it takes a lot of money to get a lot of quality. However, a big price tag isn’t always behind a professionally produced business ad.

You need to determine whether the production company that you’re considering cares more about the quality of your project or about the quantity of money they will receive! If they aren’t worried about quality, then any quantity is too much!

Ask for quotes and make sure they outline exactly what is and is not included. Choose a production company that will work within your budget and provide the necessary creatives but that also appears to have a quality that meets your needs.

5. Repeat Customers

several men at an in-person aa meeting

Finally, you really want to choose a commercial video producer that you would actually want to work with again. How can you do this if you’ve never worked together? Ask them how many customers they have that are repeat customers and how long they have worked together.

If you find a professional that has several repeat customers, you can guess that they are likely a company that delivers quality work for their clients and that their clients enjoy working with them. You want to work with a commercial video producer that you will enjoy working with and that you would want to work with again in the future.

Ready to hire a commercial video producer for your business project? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808.