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5 Benefits of Hiring a Marketing Video Production Team 

Chance are, as a business owner, you’re wearing many different hats. You have to do marketing, and sales, and customer services, and brand development, and — the list goes on and on. Some of these hats are vital and others could easily be shifted to another team, such as possibly shifting some of the marketing initiatives over to a marketing video production team. In fact, shifting hats is one of the many benefits to hiring a marketing video production team to help your brand out. Checkout these additional benefits that come from hiring a marketing video production team for your brand. 

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1.Increase Consumer Understanding 

Do consumers fully understand your products or services? If not, you need to hire a marketing video production team to help you train them. A marketing video production team can produce video content for you that will help you to increase consumer understanding of your products or services. Doing this not only increase your chance for higher conversions, it also increases the chance for ongoing consumer relationships and happier customers. Marketing video production can increase consumer purchase decisions by as much as 84%, too. 

2.Deliver Content the Way Your Customer Wants 

People want to watch video more than they want to read. In fact, video content is watched twice as often as written content is opened. Additionally, 80% of current internet traffic comes from video content NOT written content. What this tells us is that customers want to watch video content. Your decision to hire a marketing video production team means you are listening to your customer and working to deliver content the way they intend to absorb it. 

3.Increase E-Mail Click Through Rates 

Did you know that emails that include a video have a higher click through rate? Hiring a marketing video production team can help you to increase video click through rates by 65%. Further, emails with a video are 19% more likely to be opened than those without a video. If your brand is using email marketing at all, you need to be crafting videos that are tailored to your email marketing efforts to increase click through rates and email opens. 

4.Get Social & Show Up 

Are you wondering what it will take to get your business to show up in more social feeds? It will take video — video is the answer to social media videos and it’s how your business or brand will show up in the feeds of more users. When you hire a marketing video production team to create social media videos for your brand you are essentially extending your reach and taking the steps towards higher algorithm rankings on Facebook, Linkedin and various other social feeds. 

5.Share a Strong Story 

A story is great when it is written, but when it is visually delivered with a video you can increase consumer understanding significantly. Tell a stronger story with video! Hiring a marketing video production team like Beverly Boy Productions` is like hiring your very own storytelling professional for your brand. Provide consumers with access to your brand story and reel then in with the most compelling content media of all — video!