What is Multi Camera Production

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What is Multi Camera Production?

The term Multi Camera Production may come up in a variety of instances when talking about the film set and in regards to film projects, but what is Multi Camera Production exactly and what does it mean?

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Generally speaking, the decision is made early in the pre-production process as to whether a film will be the result of a single camera production or a multi camera production. The differences of course being in the number of cameras that are used to produce the footage.

What is a Multi Camera Production?

A Multi Camera Production represents any film shoot in which more than one camera is utilized in the filming process. The terms, single camera and Multi Camera Production, are used the to describe the filming of television shows. While a single camera production is going to include only one camera that acts as the primary shooting camera, there are also some changes that arise to the style and tone of a production that is single camera vs a Multi Camera Production.


Multi camera productions will frequently engage a live audience or there may be heavy use of a laugh track which sways the performances and reactions taking place within the production. Likewise, when a Multi Camera Production is used in filming a marketing concept, the process takes a bit longer to produce as there is a direct impact on how much footage can be gathered at a time, the angles that each camera can capture, and other factors.

Why is Multi Camera Production Used?

If you’re wondering why Multi Camera Production is used, particularly since the use of more than one camera can actually create some distinct challenges for the film crew, you’re not alone. The use of multiple cameras is popular though because it allows for multiple performances or events to be filmed at the same time. Additionally, multi camera productions are generally the chosen method of filming for:

  • Large events
  • Live broadcasts
  • Music concerts
  • Sports events

The decision to use a Multi Camera Production process rather than a single camera production is made during the pre-production phase so that steps can be taken to thoroughly plan the process and the shots that will be captured by each of the cameras on the team.

Benefits of Multi Camera Production

The decision to use a Multi Camera Production process which incorporates a variety of filming angles and allows for maximum viewable area on set is generally chosen over a single camera production unless filming a simple interview. Through the use of various technology such as a vision mixer which selects the appropriate shots to output during a live broadcast, multi camera productions are the chosen equipment for broadcasting on television because they actually have several potential benefits. Multi Camera Production sets can be positioned such that multiple cameras operate in a static position allowing a single cameraperson to operate the output.

In fact, cinematographers choose multi camera production for the following reasons:

  • A better experience for the audience.
  • Fewer reshoots.
  • Flexibility with more footage for edits.
  • More creative freedom.

So, what is Multi Camera Production? It’s essentially any production that involves more than one camera, particularly more than one primary camera. This is often the chosen method of shooting for television.

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