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How Videos Increase Brand Awareness for Business Owners

If you’re trying to figure out How Videos Increase Brand Awareness, you’re not alone! Many business owners wish they better understood what it is about some videos that increase brand awareness more than others. While it may not always been easy to figure out exactly what makes one video perform better than another, we do have some insights that help us to understand just How Videos Increase Brand Awareness better than other forms of content.

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What is Brand Awareness?

Before we get into How Videos Increase Brand Awareness for business owners, it’s important to
understand what brand awareness is. The term, “Brand awareness,” means that consumers are aware or that they recognize a particular brand. Increasing brand awareness for your business is an important step that can have various positive effects on your brand. Creating a level of recognition, brand awareness is vital to the success of your business, especially if your brand operates entirely online.

Benefits of Increasing Brand Awareness with Video

The more you increase brand awareness of your business, the more consumers are going to recognize who you are and what you do. In fact, increasing brand awareness is important also because doing so results in more consumers trusting in your business and ultimately doing business with your brand.

The benefits of increasing brand awareness with video are multiple. For instance:

-Increased brand awareness will lead to increased customer loyalty.

-Increased brand awareness will lead to increased consumer word of mouth marketing.

-Increased brand awareness will result in stronger brand equity.

-Increased brand awareness will result in increased sales.

-Increased brand awareness will result in increased ROI.


Because brand awareness campaigns have such a powerful potential to drive revenue for your business, it’s important to learn How Videos Increase Brand Awareness so that you can employ video content for the success of your brand.

How Videos Increase Brand Awareness

If you’re new to video marketing, you might be wondering how How Videos Increase Brand Awareness. Generally, video content increases brand awareness in a variety of different ways including:

-Videos put your brand front and center so that your audience will recognize you.

-Videos show your key employees or professionals involved in your brand humanizing your business.

-Videos prove you are an industry thought leader that your audience should appreciate and trust.

-Videos show off your products and services so that consumers can visualize solutions that are right for them.

-Videos share the story of your brand which consumers will be likely to recall.

-Videos are more likely for your audience to remember. In fact, we recall up to 95% of what we see on video compared to just 10-20% of what we read.


A variety of different video types can be used to increase brand awareness for your business.

Types of Videos to Increase Brand Awareness

If you’re trying to figure out what types of videos you can produce to increase brand awareness for your business, you’ve got a lot of options. As long as you know your audience and have a solid plan in place for your video content, there are endless opportunities to produce video content that will increase awareness for your brand.

Learning How Videos Increase Brand Awareness for your business allows you to come up with a variety of video topics to present to your target audience. Consider the following types of videos that are frequently used by brands to increase awareness on social media, in email marketing campaigns, and on websites:

Explainer videos – these short, 1-2 minute, videos are used to explain a product, service, or similar business feature but they can also explain concepts related to the solutions offered by the brand or related to a variety of other topics either directly or indirectly relative to the brand. The purpose is to provide useful video content that tells a great story to the target audience and incorporates your own branding so build recognition and awareness.

Social Media Ads – these short videos, frequently called pre-roll videos, are used to increase awareness across Facebook, Instagram, or other social media platforms. These videos are generally less than 30 seconds and they will appear before a relevant video that is posted online.

-Educational Videos – these videos are generally under 2 minutes and they play very similarly to explainer videos. They educate the consumer on a variety of topics that can be directly related to the brand or that can be indirectly relative.

-Vlogs – increasingly gaining popularity, Vlogs are a great way to increase brand awareness. These videos can be rather long and they typically follow a business or brand to provide behind-the-scenes insights into what it’s like to be a part of the business. Vlogs are like blog posts that are filmed. They can cover a wide variety of topics depending on the nature of your business or brand.

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Many other types of videos can also be used to increase brand awareness for your audience. As you’re learning more about How Videos Increase Brand Awareness for your business, consider all of the videos you watch across social media, websites, and in email campaigns and think about how they increase your awareness for the brands they target and you’ll likely come up with your own ideas on future video content that can be created for your own brand to increase awareness.