4 Steps to Top Quality Corporate Video Scripts

4 Steps to Writing Top Quality Corporate Video Scripts Knowing how to write a corporate video script can literally change whether a corporate video is watched and enjoyed by the audience, or ignored completely. While the process isn’t easy, writing a corporate video script certainly isn’t rare. Follow along as we show you how to […]

Understanding the Importance of Script Writing in Video Production

Understanding the Importance of Script Writing in Video Production Before a video is produced the script must be prepared. In fact, scriptwriting is the first major step taken to establish the purpose and processes that will be used to capture the essence of a film. An effective script will outline the entire project, the story, […]

How Long Does it Take to Write a Script?

How Long Does it Take to Write a Script? Writing a script can take a day, a week, a month, or several months. The actual amount of time it takes for a screenwriter or anyone else to write a script is dependent on a wide range of variables including the desired final length of the […]

How to Write a Script for a Video

How to Write a Script for a Video Writing a script for a video requires careful planning and attention to detail. We’re showing you how to write a script for a video that will engage your audience and keep them around.  Follow along to learn how your script can be crafted in a way that […]