How Much Does it Cost to Build a Film Set?

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Film Set_

Building a film setĀ for a shoot on location can have varied production and construction costs that you may not even consider if youā€™ve never been involved in this type of project before. Thereā€™s everything from the hourly cost of the production designer to the cost of location rental and individual costs associated with the actual […]

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Soundstage?

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Soundstage_

Investing in a soundstage is a huge consideration that many filmmakers find themselves involved in. When filming needs extend beyond the availableĀ studioĀ space, the decision to build a soundstage may come up. But how much does it cost to build a soundstage? The answer to this question really depends on several factors including the location, the […]