4 Ways a Short Video Production Company Hooks Your Viewer — FAST

4 Ways a Short Video Production Company Hooks Your Viewer — FAST You’ve got seconds to hook the viewer with your video, what will you do? A short video production company knows the right tactics and tricks to get your audience almost immediately hooked on the content of the video so that they can’t help […]

Short Form Video Content or Long Form?

Short-Form Video Content or Long-Form? Delivering captivating video to your audience is a vital element of any video marketing strategy, but how can you tell what the ideal length is for a video project? We’re showing you how to determine whether short-form video content or long-form content is best for your project. With some research […]

How to Write a Script Outline for a Short Video

How to Write a Script Outline for a Short Video Writing a script for any video has similar processes – you prepare, write, edit, rewrite, deliver. However, when creating a short video, there is absolutely no room for the words and visuals to not add value. Every single second must be captivating and well-planned in […]

How to Make a Good Short Video

How to Make a Good Short Video The best gifts come in small packages. The same is often true when it comes to video. Some of the most powerful videos are short and captivating. Social media channels feature millions of short videos that are watched by consumers on a daily basis. Do you know how […]